Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Ok Ok... So I plan on telling about my week of Christmas festivities. But Cacey has my camera and I would be bothered with not being able to share the photos from the many events that took place. SO I am going to hold off on that....

This week has been a good one for me. I have been staying at Cacey's house tending his brothers dog while he and Dallas go back to California to pack up Dallas's things. He is going to move here for a while until he gets things in order. I am excited! I met his brother for the first time the day before Christmas and he is a great guy! We get along really well and his dog is the new love of my life! :) She is a Pit bull and she is the biggest sweet heart! We have been cuddle buddies for the past couple of days. She just follows me around the house while I do laundry and clean up... Then she looks up at me like "will you please just stop and come and lay with me on the couch" or at least that is how I interpret it... So I do just that!

I used to think that Pit bulls were mean... But now more than ever I am a believer that it is the owner that makes them that way. Because she wouldn't hurt a fly!

Cacey and Dallas should be back late tonight! Which I am excited for because even though they left Sunday, I do miss him like crazy... How pathetic is that LOL... Oh well... What can I say... Just love struck and lucky to have him! <3

I am sure that even after they come back I will still get to play with Teva. I told Cacey he has officially been replaced by her lol... It's so not true, but pretty dang close!

Well time to get off now. So until the next posting I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Love, Nicki

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So this past weekend was a blast! Cacey had his girls so I spent the majority of it with them... It was kind of like a marathon for me lol... Got a little Christmas shopping done on Friday morning then I got to spend the afternoon with my favorite person in the world :) My nephew!

Saturday I went to a baby shower for a girl at my work! had allot of fun there... Then off I went back to West Jordan to hang with Cacey and the girls. We went over to his dad's house because the girls got went to a birthday party there. Then we went to Walmart to get stuff to make Gingerbread cookies... I have been obsessed with the idea pretty much all month long. And have been determined to make them with the girls. But we ran out of time, since it was getting late and the girls were tired from playing all day... So we postponed it til the next time he has them.

Sunday started pretty early. We had a brunch at Cacey's brothers house. I thought there were going to be allot more people there. But it turned out to just be Mikes kids, Cacey's parents and the girls. It was allot of fun. Mike had a friend in town so we were all over there to meet him. We ate the most amazing breakfast casserole! Cacey's mom and I both insisted we got the recipe so we could make it again... Or at least attempt to! :)

That afternoon we went on a wild goose chase all around Jordan Landing to find some Artichoke dip. That is what he was told by his dad's fiance to bring to the Hall Christmas party later that night... I was told not to let him forget... And I did... Oops! We did find some though! Thank you Sams Club!!!! :) So while Cacey and his dad shopped around there gathering all of their items up, Rylee and I went around and ate our "lunch" from all the sample tables... Don't worry.. We weren't stingy. We always took Ariah one back!

The Hall family Christmas party was a blast! He has a really wonderful family! They were all so nice to me. I had to give Cacey a little crap because though because some people didn't really know how to ask who I was... One of his uncles says across the room "Cacey who is this that is next to you?" "This is my girlfriend Nicki" With a surprised and humiliated face he replies "Oh...oh ok... Well uh.. it's nice to meet you!" I just smiled politely and chuckled and replied "you too" ....... But then I couldn't help myself and I leaned over to Cacey and quietly said "If I was not your girlfriend who would I be.. The nanny?!" Cacey thought it was quite funny... Almost as much as I did.....

The girls had a blast too! There were lots of cousins for them to play with! AND his aunt Pam found some guy on KSL to come and play Santa and bring them all a little gift... And the LOVED IT! I mean what kid doesn't love presents!

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All in all the Christmas party along with the weekend was a hit for me! I really enjoyed it all! I love his family and meeting new family members! It's kind of funny because even those that are not from the Hall side tell me I fit the "Hall" family because I have long blond hair and a pretty smile! And all the aunts and uncles at the party were telling me to have Cacey keep me... All I could think of was "Well I hope he does." .... What else do you say to that at the spur of the moment LOL.....

I hope you all have a great week and enjoy the holiday season! It has been a great one for me! And it is already filled with so many memories!

Until next time, keep warm! :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cacey <3

Today is Cacey's birthday! :) It's crazy to think that we are still going strong... Who would have thought that things would actually work out between us. I remember how scared I was to even think of the possibility when we were first talking. I didn't think that my family would ever be ok with it since he is so much older and has 2 kids. But, it turns out that they love him as much as I do. And I couldn't be happier! :)

So in honor of his birthday I am going to list 36 things about him that I love.

1. The dimples on his cheeks that show even when he isn't trying :)
2. The fact he has had a job in almost every single trade!
3. I love that he is close to his family and talks to his parents and sees them on a regular basis. Family is important to me so I feel blessed to finally share that with someone else.
4. The fact that he loves my best friend almost as much as I do. He doesn't make me choose between him and my friends.
5. How he can tell if something is bothering me.
6. And that he actually takes the time to figure out what it is that is bothering me... Even if it takes all day or night.
7. He gets my hints when I want him to tickle my back :) and he does it with a smile on his face and never complains.
8. He is calm. Therefore we even each other out because I have a high case of anxiety all the time.
9. he is an amazing father. He would do anything for his girls. They literally melt his heart.
10. He can fix a car! I used to worry about that! But now that I am with someone who actually knows what the engine of a car looks like.... It's such a relief!
11. I love this one... I think it's crazy/great that he bought his first truck at 16 from my dad! I don't know of anyone that has a story like that... We go back further than this year! :)
12. Or that his parents still live in the house they bought when he bought my dad's truck... Which just happens to be at the end of our old West Jordan neighborhood.... I still smile every time I pass our old house.
13. He is honest. His life has always been an open book for me and my family. He is not afraid to tell people about his life.
14. We have a trusting relationship. We don't question each other because we have no need to.
15. He loves to cook and is good at it! When we first started dating he made me Portobello Mushrooms, a juicy steak, and a salad.... My mouth still waters at that thought! It was sooo good!
16. Even though he hates my hip hop he will still listen to it... for a while at least!
17. He let me put up all the Christmas decorations that I wanted even though he is a scrooge :)
18. He lets me turn his kitchen into an art studio to do projects with Ariah and Rylee :)
19. I love laying on the couch in comfys while we watch a movie, with his arm around my shoulder.
20. He has become one of the best things in my life.
21. He encourages me to be a better person. And motivates me to achieve goals.
22. He makes me think about my life in a different way.
23. He is completely selfless. He is concerned about the happiness of everyone he loves most in his life.
24. He is someone that I can confide in whole heartedly.
25. I love the fact that we can talk for hours on end about nothing at all.
26. He has amazing eye lashes! :)
27. He is the best friend I could ask to be in love with!
28. He brings out the best in me.
29. He loves me unconditionally.
30. He has been there for me when I needed someone most.
31. He gave me all the time in the world to open up completely to him.
32. How well he takes "old age" jokes when I crack them :)
33. The way his face lights up when his daughters do or say something that touches him.
34. He makes me laugh and smile on a daily basis.
35. When he kisses me on my forehead, I can feel how much he loves me.
36. He has helped me realize that you don't need someone in your life to be
complete. But that it makes things sweeter when it is shared with someone else.

I know that some of those things sound like they are really nothing at all. But to me, it's the simple things about our relationship that I love most. I have told him before that I am not sure if I can say that I have never loved anyone as much as I do him... Because love comes and goes. And in the beginning stages we say that every time. " I have never loved someone this much." But what I do know is that I have finally found someone that loves me the way that I have always wanted. I have now found the love that I have been looking for. He makes me happy and has from day one. I love every minute that I spend with him and his girls. They have all grown to be one of the most amazing things to come into my life. I remember how scared I was to tell other's about him at first. But in the end what it boils down to is that he makes me happy. I don't think anyone could want anything less for someone that they care about.

I am so thankful to have him as a part of my life. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to start a new chapter with. He brings out the best in me and drives me to be a better person! He is completely selfless and has so much love to give to others! I hope one day I will be able to express to him exactly how much he means to me.

Happy Birthday Cacey! Thank you for just being you and allowing me to share a life with you! I love you and I hope you have a great day today! <3 Muah!

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tis the Season!

Oh my how time flies! I can't believe that it's already December! It seems like just a month ago it was Summer... But I am so glad that it is the Holiday Season! I love this time of year! I am in the best mood! I love everything about Christmas (other than the tight wallet :) )

Thanksgiving was so great! I got to spend it with Cacey! We went to 3 different houses.We were hoping for 4. But didn't make it to his dad's unfortunately until a couple days later. I did however get to meet his Grandma Hall along with one aunt and uncle and their kids! They were all so welcoming to me. And I felt completely comfortable with them. I hope I get the chance to see them again soon! We also visited Deb/"momma #2" and the family from her side... That is what I call her. :) She is his dad's ex wife but she has been around for so long that Cacey and his girls are still really close to her. I think it's great! She has such a great heart and the girls and Cacey think the world of her! The last stop of the evening was my house! I was so glad that he got to be with some of my family on Thanksgiving with me. That is something that my past boyfriend would never do. So I am so grateful that I have a boyfriend who understands how important it is to me that he interacts with my family. It really meant allot to have him there!

On Black Friday I did a little shopping and got about half of my list done! I saved a little money so I was happy about that!!!! Saturday Cacey's girls came back from their mom's house. So me being the Christmas decoration freak that I am pretty much forced Cacey to put up his Christmas tree so we could decorate it! :) He was a trooper that he is (and after 3 hours of rearranging living room furniture) set it up! We didn't actually decorate it until Sunday because his brother turned 40 and was having a birthday.. So we went up there that night! It was fun though! And the girls were OK with waiting until Sunday to decorate! The tree turned out to be really pretty! :) It makes me smile to see it lit up! And even tho Cacey is a scrooge I know he enjoys it too....

Other than that not much has been going on! I have started doing some art projects and have really been enjoying it! I forgot how great of an escape art was for me. I hope I stick with it and really get some things going again!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :) I know that I will!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween weekend!

Well happy November everyone! :) Just thought I would take a few minutes to post some pictures of the weekend! I got to tend my nephew on Friday so I decided to go over and visit my grandparents. And I am really glad i did. They really had a great time! And they really enjoyed seeing their great grand baby.... Grandpa told Jaxon stories and grandma got him giggling like I couldn't believe.. I think I will start taking him over there more often. I know how much I enjoy him.. So maybe it would be a good thing to share that with others :)

On Halloween Cacey and I went to a party with a friend from work. We had a great time. And it was nice to be with other couples. I hope we get to hang out with them again sometime soon!

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And the last great event that I captured on camera was Jax in the tub! He loves the tub and is always so cute when he gets his baths. So I got the camera out this time! I can't believe how much he has grown! I love that little guy so much! :)

Well everyone... I hope you all have a wonderful week! I know that I will! I love this time of year!

Bye now!
xoxo- Nicki

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Road to recovery

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning. But anyone can start today and make a new ending."

As of lately that has become my new favorite saying. I have really been trying to find that woman who is deep down inside and do the things that make me happy. Yes... I HAVE been selfish. And yes.. I HAVE been putting my feelings first for a while now. But you know what? I really feel good about it. Because in doing so, I have found a sense of wholeness that I never knew was there.

A good friend of mine, and someone that I admire most in my life told me once that "You can never be truly happy with someone, if you yourself aren't happy first." And ever since he said that, it has stuck with me. I know that I am not perfect. I know I make mistakes on a daily basis. But I am becoming the best me that I can. I am proud of myself for finally being able to be selfish enough to put myself first. Because if I hadn't been... I wouldn't be in this state of mind. I wouldn't have "x'd" out the negative people in my life. And I wouldn't have been able to push forward.

I have started talking to a counselor. And tho I have only seen her once, I already feel a sense of relief. I can't wait to go back. It's nice to have an outsiders look on things.... Someone who can not judge your past or the people in it. But the thing I look forward to most, is learning the tools that make it easier to make wiser decision... To be happier in my mind, and heart. Vincent Van Gogh said that " As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed." ... I can't even begin to tell you how true this statement is for me. I honestly have felt a sense of peace in my heart. I do still struggle at times. But I have noticed that if I am positive in my thinking, and remember all the things I have to be grateful for I am much happier throughout the day.

I have started to feel confident in myself and the choices that I am making. I know that allot of people wouldn't understand some things about my life at the moment. But I don't expect them to. Nor do I care if they do. Because I know the people who care most about me will look past certain things, and see that I am in a good place in my life. I am surrounding myself with people who I feel bring out the best in me.... People who for the first time, have made me feel like I can be myself and be accepted. People who genuinely care about me. So if you are going to comment on the decisions I am making right now... Please keep your comments to yourself. I don't have the desire to listen to you tell me about the mistakes you think I am making. I am on the road to recovery... And I find myself smiling everyday. And that is all I can truly ask for.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather while it lasts!

Bye for now
xoxo- Nicki

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Ambi Bambi!

I can't believe my big sister is already 25! Holy cow! It seems like just yesterday we were fighting over who had to "do the blue bathroom and who got to do the green bathroom" :) ... We have had our rough patches and been to the point of almost hating eachothers guts! But... through it all I still have to say I was blessed with the most amazing sister anyone could ask for. So in honor of her... I will list off 22 things that I find most memorable about her... 21 reasons because I am 21. And one extra because she bore the most amazing person in my life :)

Drumb roll please!!!!!............

22. I will never forget the time you made dad's voice go 3 octives higher and jab the vaaccuum into the corner of your bedroom because of the spiders on steroids that were right by him. LOL I can still picture it. He was so brave and we still didn't think we were safe on your bed.

21. The Christmas you gave me Bath Time Fun Kelly... and I walked in on you wrapping it so you gave it to me then. You always do give the best presents :)

20. The time that we were fighting and I wanted to run away. So I packed up a little bag and grabbed the 2 white puppies and cried my way out the door. And you told me to wait, because mom would get mad if the puppies were gone. Then you took them away from me. And I just cried by the stop sign because I had no where to go.

19. Playing night games with the entire neighborhood... Until you were too cool to play.

18. Going to your clogging practices. I wanted to be just like you. That is why I signed up.. Then I figured out it was not my cup of tea.

17. Jumping on the tramp in the duplex at night the night I got the flu. I remember got really sick almost instantly. And you could tell so you walked me inside and took care of me until I went to bed.

16. The time we played cops and robbers and you I picked up the shoe and you ran past me and knocked the shoe in my face smearing poo all over my face. I still gag everytime I smell that fresh dog poo smell. Ugh.... But it was totally worth it, because I still laugh at the whole senario in my head when I picture puking in the toilet while mom puked in the tub. LOL

15. Making the club house with you, Kris, and Chels.

14. Hanging out with you on Valentine's Day when I was 15. It was fun to see you on that different level.

13. You teaching me how to drive a stick shift. You laughed at me every time I killed it in traffic because I would panic.

12. I will never forget when I was 15 and going through a really rough time. And you told me how you felt the first time you held me in the hospital.

11. Every time you would walk down the hall and burp really loud. And mom would say " You are never going to find a boyfriend if you keep doing that! "

10. The time you yelled at that girl when I was in 3rd grade because she invited everyone to her birthday but me.

09. Or the time you yelled at Megan at the bus stop because Will was mean to me.

08. Going to girls camp with you. I liked to be around you. You were always making sure I was ok. And that I was having fun.

07. The time you took me to the dunes with you when you were first hanging out with Dustin. I felt privilaged that I had finally earned that right!

06. Doing chores together as punishment. lol... oh man...

05. Going to the gym with you every night when I was in middle school.

04. This past year when I called you crying because I had no where else to go. And you stayed up with me and talked to me until I was ok. Even though you were pregnant and had to work in the morning.

03. When I found out you were pregnant with Jaxon.

02. The first time I felt him kick.

01. And my favorite memory by far would have to be staying at the hospital with you the night Jaxon was born. That was the day that my perspective on life changed. And the night that you brought the most wonderful person in my life into the world.

Amber, I want you to know that I really do love you so much. I will never be able to tell you how much of an impact you have had on my life. You have always been here for me. And I am so blessed to have a sister who loves me so much. I know we have had our rough times. But I also know that I feel closer to you more and more every day.

Thank you for always protecting me from bullies, or DB boyfriends. Thank you for not judging me and understanding that I am different. And thank you for accepting me for being that person. Thank you for giving me advice... and your opinion... Even when I didn't want to hear it :) Thank you for always making me feel welcome in your home. Thank you for not only being a great sister.. But one of the best friends I could ask for. And last but certainly not least... Thank you for bringing Jaxon into this world! I love him so much! And he is so lucky to have such a great mommy!

I hope you have a great day sis! And I hope you always know that having you in my life means the world to me! I love you!

Love, your baby sister

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ok so I don't even remember the last time I wrote on here... So I guess it is now time to.... My life the past couple of weeks has been one hell of a roller coaster ride! LOL... With my best friend moving out of state... My job, and juggling my personal life I actually had a mental break down. It was crazy... I have not experienced that in a while! But I am back on my feet and moving forward in my life!

With Chelsea being gone it has been good for me to really stand on my own 2 feet. I have been having to deal with my problems head on instead of letting them untangle themselves. She was always there for me to have that "escape"... But right now with my life being this way.... I am learning things about myself that I didn't know were there.

2009 for me has definitely been the toughest year of my life. I always thouhgt that I could never feel the way I did when I broke up with my high school boyfriend... But this year has definitely shown me a whole new light on sadness and heart ache.... Facing those that have hurt me most and taking back control of my life has been something that I struggle with on a daily basis.

See, I have always been the person that puts other's feeling and needs first. Letting them become more important than my own. But I have learned over this past year that I can not be happy or enrich the live's of other's until I find myself. So I have had to start being selfish... I have had to start to ask myself questions in a different perspective.... I have always been able to see things from all different perspectives. And I think that is part of my problem. It is hard for me to seperate what I KNOW is real from what is not good for me... Because I get so caught up in how the other person sees things. And why they think the way they do. And that is how I get so mixed up and end up back at square one on this trip to self discovery! But I have had allot of great talks with some really admirable people and hopefully now I will be able to grasp the tools I need to stay strong and weed out the negative people in my life!

With all the muck that I have been splashed with in my life this past year... I have also been blessed with so much! Cheslea and I have become closer than we were when she lived here! I have gotten closer to a few friends and I couldn't be happier with that situation! I have been spending more time with my family which I have thoroughly enjoyed! And I get to spend Friday's with my nephew. And that is something that I look forward to more than anything! I really do love him so much that at times it overwhelms me... How can someone so young and innocent have so much impact on my life?! That is something that I don't know the answer to. But it is also something that I am so happy for. I have had so much fun watching him progress the past couple months! :) He amazes me every time I see him!

For me... this is my life.. I have made it what it is. And I am learning from every problem that I am faced with! I may not smile at all of the decisions that I make. Or welcome the consequences with open arms. But I will continue to find the happiness through all of the hard times. And fight the hard times head on.

Until next time.. I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Take me as I am!!!!

Over the past week I have learned a very important lesson.... "Never make someoene a priority in your life that does not make you one in their's." And as sad and as hard as it is to put that into action, I am going to have to do just that. Recently I got into an argument with a friend and at first I couldn't help but feel like I was doing something wrong. I mean, I obviously hurt this person.. And that made me feel like a bad friend. But how can I correct a problem that someone has with me if I never knew it existed in the first place?! Seriously... I am a little pissed about it to be honest. I don't think I am a bad friend. And if I knew that I was hurting someone... I sure wouldn't continue to do just that! I don't know... I have thought about it over and over til I was sick to the stomach. But the fact of the matter is that I can't change the past. All I can do is say I am sorry and whether they choose to accept it is up to them.

While talking to someone close to me I was told that I can be nobody but myself. And that is when it hit me... This whole transitional period that I have been going through has been about self acceptance. And that is what I should worry about. Because if someone can not accept me for who I am and be honest with me and tell me if they have a problem with me... Then I shouldn't worry about it. Right?????

I have always worried about upsetting others. But I think it's time to put my own feelings first and stick to what I feel is right. Take no bullshit! Excuse my language.. But it is the truth.

And if someone cannot take me as I am then I guess they were not meant to be in my life forever! Because those that really care about you will love you no matter what.

"Be who you are, and say how you feel. Because those that matter don't mind. And those that mind don't matter"

I hope you all have a wonderful day! XOXO!!!! Enjoy the last week of summer!!! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Girls trip!

Greetings everyone! I just thought I would fill everyone in on my weekend of fun! Last weekend I went on a girls trip with 3 of my friends down to Palisades near Manti and had a blast! I had not been there since I was little so it was fun to go back and remember things that happened when I was little.... Or just little memories about certain areas. We rented a paddle boat one day and paddled our little hearts out around the reservoir! That was really fun! We found this tree on the right side of the lake near the dam and my friends thought it would be a good idea to jump of into the water... yeah it would have been if the water were about 5 feet deeper! Instead they found out the hard way that the water was really shallow lol.... Kendra hit her knee on the bottom and Chels scraped her butt on the ground... Ouch is what I say.. but I am glad it wasn't me! ;)

We also got the opportunity to stay in the new cabins there! And they were really nice! Really comfortable for all 4 of us.. but it could have easily slept 8 with the trundles under the bunk beds and the full mattress as the bottom bunk.

But the best part about the whole thing was driving around the golf course. Kendra and Camron work downstairs in my building for State Parks. They make the reservations for all the state parks in Utah... So we got to take a tour of the park while we were there to kind of give them a little more knowledge of what there is to do at Palisades! So the camp host took us around to all the different camp sites and showed us some trails.... And then... He let us follow him around the entire golf course in our own carts! It was so much fun!!!!

I was so glad I went on that trip! We had so much fun and made so many great memories! I can't wait til the next trip!!!!

And if anyone is wondering... I love Palisades and I will definitely be going back!

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Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today I have been thinking allot about the obstacles that I have had to deal with over the past couple of months. And I have to say... It's really starting to tire me. It's tough trying to figure out if what you are doing with your life is the right path for you... Or if what you want and what you think is rightfor you at this time could be the same thing? If that makes any sense????

Lately I feel like I am at a war with myself. trying to decide if my own personal beliefs and desires are because of the influences of others... Or because of what I truly feel and believe. I am such a neutral person as it is... That it's hard to decide whether or not I do things or feel a certain because of my choice or others.

Over the past couple of months I have had some really amazing people come into my life. all who have great advice. And they all make me think about things in a different way.... They help me see myself differently. It's been nice looking at myself through another perspective. I have really been noticing different things about my self lately. But it also causes me to feel like I am being pulled in about 10 different directions. And trying to figure out what one is best for me is something that I wish just had figured out.

I have always felt like I was different than everyone else. I think differently than most. And the majority of the time I like that. But then again, its frustrating feeling like you have no one who is going through or understands what you are going through. Because even though people say they do... I don't think they have a clue.

So I guess my question would be.... How do you decide what makes you happy... And how do you get other's to see that that is true happiness. How do you get other's to see past their own judgement and realize that you are who you are and accept you as you are? The answer??? You don't... Because no matter what they will have their own opinions and judge you if they feel like it. But how do you not let the feelings of others influence the decision that you make?????

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Flaming Gorge weekend

Ok... SO I have been slacking hard core on updating my blog... Sorry! But anyways... It's been a crazy couple of weeks! Super super busy!!! A couple weeks back I had the chance to go to Flaming Gorge with some friends and we had a blast! I really do love it there! I think it really is my most favorite place ever! I don't know why but I feel so calm when I walk on the dock there! And the sunrises and sunsets there are like no other! I hope to go again before the boating season ends! So I put together a little slide show of some pictures of why I love it there so much!

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I have also got to see Jaxon a couple times! And I can not believe how fast he is growing! He is so big now! But he gets cuter and cuter everytime I see him! I can't wait to see him again! He is starting to smile alot! And he has even smiled for me a couple times! :) I love it!

This coming weekend I am going to Palisades with some girlfriends of mine and I can't wait! Its going to be a blast! We always have fun together and its been a long time since we have been together! SO lets cross our fingers that those cloudy days don't turn into stormy days! :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beautiful scenery, great company, and a lifetime of memories!!

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Alright everyone.. Time to write about the fun yet blistering hot weekend! This past weekend was great! I got to do so many fun things! And even though it was scorching hot... I survived and am proud to say that my skin is only some what crispy....

So on Friday my sister asked me to go with her and help out with Jax while she got her haid done... Just in case he started fussing while she was processing. Because if he did.. She would not have been able to hold him because of the chemicals... Any ways... So we all know by now that I am pretty much head over heels for Jaxon so of course I said yes. And he was so good! He slept almost the whole time! But I got to hold him for so long! :) And I got to take some way cute pictures!

Later that night I night I hung out with some old friends that I had not seen in a while. We had so much fun! And even though there was only a few of us, we had some great laughs! I can't wait to see them again this weekend!

Saturday was perfect!!! I went for an amazing little hike up at Alta Ski Resort and took some great pictures of wildflowers. We couldn't have asked for better weather! It had to only be like 80 degrees. And the sun was shining and the air was sooo fresh and clean! It was so relaxing to get away from the city and breath in the fresh air and take in the beautiful scenery with wonderful company! If felt nice to get out and feel the sun on my skin and not sweat to death!

And on Sunday my grandma threw a party for my Grandpa because he turned 80 the day before! Can you believe that?!! I hope I live to see as many things as he has. I know he will be around for a long time, but he has already lived such a great life, filled with so many memories and historical events! And he still looks just as handsome as ever!!!!

The party could not have been better! A bunch of their friends were there and the best part was.... I got to spend time with my whole family which was fantastic!!! It is really rare when we can all get together since part of the family lives in AZ. But when they are able to visit we have so much fun together! And I love the fact that as we get older, our bonds grow so much stronger!

I could not be happier with how great my weekend was! I feel so blessed to have made so many beautiful memories with everyone that is most important to me! I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week filled with great memeories! I hope you all get out to breath some fresh air and take the time to notice some of the little things that make this world we live in the beautiful place that it is! I know that I will be doing just that!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jax in White! :)

So the weekend for me was great...Eventful and busy but great! The main thing that I was looking forward to though was the blessing of my nephew! It was exciting for me! And it was pretty crazy to. As soon as Dusty start the prayer, my eyes just started watering like crazy. It was not tears of sadness or tears of hope for him to be a certain way when he gets older. It was more of just all of my love for him just kind of poured out! And the thing that struck me the most was.... As soon as the prayer ended... so did my tears. It was almost like a faucet... Explain that one to me.

He is such an amazing little guy and I love him so much! I know he will grow up to do so many great things! I can already tell just by how he is now! His personality already shines through like you wouldn't believe! He is so strong and stubborn. But he is also so sweet and loving to everyone. And he is just so attentive to everyone and anything. When you hold him he just locks eyes with you. Its almost like he is studying you! I love it!!!! I think he definitely has a little of both of his parents in him!

So in honor of the blessing yesterday... Here are a few of my favorites that I took! I love the Buddha belly one's and the one with his little hands by his tux. But my all time favorite one is the close up with the bink in his mouth!

I love you Jax! And I can't wait to be there for you as you go through life! I can't wait to cover you in kisses and pass on some of my traits to you! You will be my little art student whether Dustin and Amber want you to or not!

I can't wait to see how bit you have gotten the next time I see you! Love you!

Enjoy the beatiful day everyone!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Ok... So today I have been craving cornbread! And I don't even know how i got on that kick. All the sudden it popped in my head and my mouth began to water... So immediately I began looking on the Internet for anywhere that sounded like they had cornbread. I thought of Diamond Lil's because they are right next to my building...Went there and NOPE they don't have it.... So then I was told to go to KFC... Well they don't have it either anymore!!! What the heck right?!!! So if anyone has any suggestions on where I can get some delicious cornbread... Let me know!

Aside from that.... I got to see my nephew last night!!! Wahoo!!! And he is so dang cute that I can barely stand it! he doesn't seem to like me as much as he used to. But I wasn't able to see him for 2 weeks from being sick and then going on vacation. So i guess I understand a little bit. But we are going to get him back to the way it used to be! ..... Oh and he is getting blessed this Sunday and I can not wait! He is going to look so cute! I saw his outfit last night and it is adorable! But I am a little curious to see how he reacts when they put the shoes on him. He hated them yesterday so it could be interesting. One of those "bust out the ear plug" days :) Either way he will look so cute and it will be a special moment for me!

I had to post a picture of him in this outfit that I bought for him! It was taken a few weeks ago and I stole it off my sisters blog... But i had to have a picture of it. Because when i saw it and saw that it said "Beep Beep" it made me laugh. So yeah there is a picture of my most handsome nephew Jaxon in the pimp beep beep outfit that I got him!

Enjoy the day! Its so nice outside!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I came across a quote today that I really liked. So I have decided to share it with you.

Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Verities and Realities of your Existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!
Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!

- Kalidasa -

Reflect on the yesterdays and envision tomorrow as you would like it to go.... but no matter what greet everyday with a smile..... We make our own lives. So why not make it just a little bit sweeter. A world seen through eyes of optimism can make even the worst of days seem better.

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The rain on my parade!

Ok Peeps... I am a little bummed that I just got back from lunch and actually got a tan on my legs in the process! Today is soooo perfect! Too perfect to be cooped up in an office! A guy walked passed me as I was sitting in the back of my jeep with my pant legs rolled up and the hatch lifted and said "It's not the beach but it'll do".... and I just thought.... "Aawww I wanna be at the beach right now!" ....Damn you stranger! Way to rain on my parade of the day! I was not even thinking about any of that until he sad that! ........But instead I replied "yeah its going to have to do!" It's ridiculous! Too bad I already used up a butt load of leave last week... Other wise I would be takin some time off today just to catch some rays and take a nap in the sunshine with the breeze blowin by.... Sounds amazing doesn't it?

Have a wonderful day! Enjoy the rays while you can!

Monday, July 6, 2009

From sunrises to sunsets and all the memories in between!

Seattle was the perfect antidote for letting some stress out. I needed it so bad! It felt so good to get away to a stress free environment and see the beauty that Washington has to offer! I love it there! I kept telling everyone that I felt like Thumblina! Because everywhere you look you are surrounded by trees. Its breath taking!

This trip was filled with so many great memories that I will remember for the rest of my life! I will never forget having the opportunity to go to Pikes Market, the Space Needle, The coast and feeling the sand in between my toes and I collected sand dollars. Nor will I be able to replace the late night heart to hearts with the last of the bunch from that night. Or the laughs and smiles that were gained! I feel so blessed to have had the chance to be with such wonderful people for so long! And I can not wait to go back and visit the next time! I hope you all enjoy the pictures! There were so many to choose from! And there is a story behind every single one!
So here are some pictures of the trip... There will be more to come!

Have a beautiful day! And remember that your smile could make some one's day!

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Make a Smilebox scrapbook
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Space needle
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: seattle again
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: seattle
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Seattle 2009
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Seattle 2009
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

~Jaxie Pic's~

Gosh... I feel like such a slacker! I have barely written on here in the past couple months... but with a busy schedule comes hardly any time to do the things I was used to doing... Meaning I am slacking in a few areas... I am attempting to get a good workout at the gym tonight! I am hitting it right after work! I have not really been since I started the new job! It's been so crazy lately... but I really am trying to get back into the swing of things...And the gym is a big part of that.... Plus, I have decided to fun a 10k race at the end of August! ... yeah I know.. I am crazy.... But a friend of mine asked me to do it with her and I thought I mine as well! Besides I know it will be good motivation to kick into gear....

Aside from the craziness ........ I had the chance to see my sweet lil' nephew a couple times over the weekend! And he is so much fun! Even though he just lays there I love to just watch him! He is so cute! And I am actually pretty good with him! I can make him stop crying and I am becoming more in tune with what his cries and little facial expressions are... Maybe I will be a little prepared down the road a few years when I decided to be a mommy!

I finally have some pictures of him so I decided to post a few of my favorites so far!

The one above is a little blurry but he just looks so dang handsome!

And this one below is my new screen saver at work! :) Is it not the cutest damn thing you have ever seen?! I LOVE it!!!!!

I cant wait to see him again! We are going to be buds forever! :)

Life is crazy for me... But I feel like things are finally getting back on track from the past couple of hellish months. Aside from switching jobs, paying for alot of unexpected bills, and working on my personal life..... things are going great now!

But ............I am ready for a break! I can't wait to go to Seattle in a few weeks! I can't wait to relax and see the coast and shop for weird jewelry! So I guess now I just have to wait for 10 more days and then HEEELLLLLOOOO vacation!!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful night everyone! And hopefully we can all keep smiling through all the rain!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Oh wow .... It sure has been a busy week! That explains why I have not blogged on here in so long! With starting a new job, and my friends wedding, and my new nephew on the way.... it has been super stressful!

My new job is so awesome! I love being busy all the time! It sure does make the time fly. but I do miss everyone from my old office! It's not the same when I have to talk to them through email's or instant messengers... But it have to will do!

One of my best friends is getting married tomorrow! Gosh so crazy to think about... Since I have known her for almost 11 yrs now! But anyways, I am in her line and we had the rehearsal yesterday and I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it since my sister was supposed to have her baby. But it all worked out and I made it there and they actually postponed the birth for today.....

So now I sit patiently in the waiting room of the hospital! And as I sit here I think about how much my life is about to change! Even though its not my son... I am going to be a part of his life for the rest of mine! I can't wait to hold him and hear him cry. I can't wait to sing him songs and teach him hand shakes and how to color. I can't wait to kiss him and let him know how much I love him... How much I have loved him from the start of his adventure rollin' around in my sisters tummy :)

I can't stop smiling! Every time I think about it I just get the biggest butterflies. Because for the past couple of months, even with feeling him kick it hasn't really hit me... But now its like "Ok this baby is coming out, and he is coming out now!" And I sure hope he loves me as much as I love him!

One thing is for sure.. this baby is already loved by so many people! I can't even believe how much my parents care about him! And how excited they are to have him come into their lives! And my grandparents!... First great grand baby for one set. And the first baby boy grand baby for the other! And Amber and Dusty... I know they are going to be amazing parents! Both of them just glow every time they even hear the name Jaxon! It's cute to see the anxiety run across their face's and the flicker of excitement in their eyes. And Ambie... She just has been such a happy pregnant woman! She really does love having him inside her belly! It's cute to see her sitting there pushing on her belly as she tries to get him to kick for me :) ....So thanks sis! I love you so much and I can't wait to have Jaxon in my life! I can't wait to see him smile for the first time... Or to hold him for the first time! And I can't wait to watch him grow up! Or to have our kids grow up together! I know you are going to be a wonderful mom! And I know he will love you as much as you love him!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Goodbye Lone Peak... Helloooo Uptown!

Today is a sad, yet good day for me! Its my last day working at Lone Peak where I have been for almost 3 years. I am happy to move forward in my life! Because I know that it will be a good experience and the beginning to a whole new chapter! But also sad to end this one.

I hope everyone at Lone Peak knows how much I appreciate having the chance to have them in my life! Because I don't think I will ever be able to express how much joy working here has brought into it! I could have been having the worst day in the world and one of them would walk in and all they had to do was smile and my whole attitude would change! It's nice to be surrounded by positive people! ....And they always told ME that it's nice that I always have a smile on my face... But honestly, it's not hard when I wake up in the morning and love what I do and love the people that I work with! I have made some really great friendships and learned so much while working here! And even though each person here is so different than one another, their attitudes are all the same. I never really noticed until now how great of an impact working here has had on me. From my attitude, to my health, to just my outlook on things. I have learned that hard work will get you a long way... You can excel beyond the limit! I look at them, and they are constantly pushing themselves to be better... to be the best! And I really admire that. I have learned that my health is important and should be taken seriously. Seeing them be active and eat the way they do made me finally get that extra "shove" to do it for myself. And I went beyond my expectations. I never thought I would have been able to lose 85 pounds and fit into a smaller size than I was at the age of 15. I did it on my own. But they were a big part of my motivation! I have learned that I am the only one that can make my life what it is. That I can not wait for opportunities to arise....But probably the most important thing I learned while working here is that I am the only one that can decide on my own happiness and well being. I have made some poor choices in life... But I have also made some great one's too. And venturing out to work here was one of the greatest decisions of all. Because while being here and having the opportunity to get to know them, has been an important part of the person that I have transitioned into. I honestly don't know where I would be if I decided not to apply here. I would like to say I would be somewhat of the person that I am now... But then again, I really don't think I would be.

So thank you guys for all that you have done for me! Thank you for all the smiles and happiness that you have given me! I am so blessed to have had you be a small part of my life for this long! And to have built the friendships and the bonds with you that I have. And not only will I miss you... But I will miss doing your paper work, running your errands, and pretty much anything else you ask me to do too :) Because knowing that I could help you out.... Helped me in more way than I thought was possible.
And I know that most of you don't look at your job as heroic... But I know that since I have worked here, I have gained a whole new outlook on what you do! Because I know the type of people that you are and the heart that each of you have... I know that without even thinking... if you were put in the position, any of you would risk your life to save the life of another. I see the great teachers that each of you are and the respect that your crews have for you. Because you provide them with the skills needed for them to stay safe and excel above and beyond all limits! So that to me is a hero! And I am so glad that I got the chance to work for the best of the best!

But now, I must say goodbye! And move on to a new adventure! :) But you will always be MY BOYS!!!! Have a great season filled with lots of fire! I know you will own the season just like always because here at LP that's how we do it! "Go big or go home!!" And if it isn't filled with fire soon enough let me know.... I will see what I can do ;)

I love you all and I will miss you!