Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween weekend!

Well happy November everyone! :) Just thought I would take a few minutes to post some pictures of the weekend! I got to tend my nephew on Friday so I decided to go over and visit my grandparents. And I am really glad i did. They really had a great time! And they really enjoyed seeing their great grand baby.... Grandpa told Jaxon stories and grandma got him giggling like I couldn't believe.. I think I will start taking him over there more often. I know how much I enjoy him.. So maybe it would be a good thing to share that with others :)

On Halloween Cacey and I went to a party with a friend from work. We had a great time. And it was nice to be with other couples. I hope we get to hang out with them again sometime soon!

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And the last great event that I captured on camera was Jax in the tub! He loves the tub and is always so cute when he gets his baths. So I got the camera out this time! I can't believe how much he has grown! I love that little guy so much! :)

Well everyone... I hope you all have a wonderful week! I know that I will! I love this time of year!

Bye now!
xoxo- Nicki

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