Thursday, August 27, 2009

Take me as I am!!!!

Over the past week I have learned a very important lesson.... "Never make someoene a priority in your life that does not make you one in their's." And as sad and as hard as it is to put that into action, I am going to have to do just that. Recently I got into an argument with a friend and at first I couldn't help but feel like I was doing something wrong. I mean, I obviously hurt this person.. And that made me feel like a bad friend. But how can I correct a problem that someone has with me if I never knew it existed in the first place?! Seriously... I am a little pissed about it to be honest. I don't think I am a bad friend. And if I knew that I was hurting someone... I sure wouldn't continue to do just that! I don't know... I have thought about it over and over til I was sick to the stomach. But the fact of the matter is that I can't change the past. All I can do is say I am sorry and whether they choose to accept it is up to them.

While talking to someone close to me I was told that I can be nobody but myself. And that is when it hit me... This whole transitional period that I have been going through has been about self acceptance. And that is what I should worry about. Because if someone can not accept me for who I am and be honest with me and tell me if they have a problem with me... Then I shouldn't worry about it. Right?????

I have always worried about upsetting others. But I think it's time to put my own feelings first and stick to what I feel is right. Take no bullshit! Excuse my language.. But it is the truth.

And if someone cannot take me as I am then I guess they were not meant to be in my life forever! Because those that really care about you will love you no matter what.

"Be who you are, and say how you feel. Because those that matter don't mind. And those that mind don't matter"

I hope you all have a wonderful day! XOXO!!!! Enjoy the last week of summer!!! :)


  1. Nicki you are so cute, and you word everything so good. I am on the same page as you and agree with you 100% I feel like I am in your same boat lately. You really make me think about myself a lot more and to look at things in more depth. Thanks! :)

  2. Always be yourself & always remember you DO find out who your true friends are eventually! I was the same way back in the day...always trying to please everyone else and cutting myself short & then one day I just got sick of it and decided that I can only be me. If I can look at myself in the mirror and KNOW that I am a good person then that's all that matters. Your a sweetheart. Don't ever forget that!!

  3. I hope you know that I am always here for you. Whether you need someone to cry with, or a shoulder to cry on. Or just someone to hang out with, or talk to. I love you sis.
