Monday, July 13, 2009

Jax in White! :)

So the weekend for me was great...Eventful and busy but great! The main thing that I was looking forward to though was the blessing of my nephew! It was exciting for me! And it was pretty crazy to. As soon as Dusty start the prayer, my eyes just started watering like crazy. It was not tears of sadness or tears of hope for him to be a certain way when he gets older. It was more of just all of my love for him just kind of poured out! And the thing that struck me the most was.... As soon as the prayer ended... so did my tears. It was almost like a faucet... Explain that one to me.

He is such an amazing little guy and I love him so much! I know he will grow up to do so many great things! I can already tell just by how he is now! His personality already shines through like you wouldn't believe! He is so strong and stubborn. But he is also so sweet and loving to everyone. And he is just so attentive to everyone and anything. When you hold him he just locks eyes with you. Its almost like he is studying you! I love it!!!! I think he definitely has a little of both of his parents in him!

So in honor of the blessing yesterday... Here are a few of my favorites that I took! I love the Buddha belly one's and the one with his little hands by his tux. But my all time favorite one is the close up with the bink in his mouth!

I love you Jax! And I can't wait to be there for you as you go through life! I can't wait to cover you in kisses and pass on some of my traits to you! You will be my little art student whether Dustin and Amber want you to or not!

I can't wait to see how bit you have gotten the next time I see you! Love you!

Enjoy the beatiful day everyone!

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