Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tis the Season!

Oh my how time flies! I can't believe that it's already December! It seems like just a month ago it was Summer... But I am so glad that it is the Holiday Season! I love this time of year! I am in the best mood! I love everything about Christmas (other than the tight wallet :) )

Thanksgiving was so great! I got to spend it with Cacey! We went to 3 different houses.We were hoping for 4. But didn't make it to his dad's unfortunately until a couple days later. I did however get to meet his Grandma Hall along with one aunt and uncle and their kids! They were all so welcoming to me. And I felt completely comfortable with them. I hope I get the chance to see them again soon! We also visited Deb/"momma #2" and the family from her side... That is what I call her. :) She is his dad's ex wife but she has been around for so long that Cacey and his girls are still really close to her. I think it's great! She has such a great heart and the girls and Cacey think the world of her! The last stop of the evening was my house! I was so glad that he got to be with some of my family on Thanksgiving with me. That is something that my past boyfriend would never do. So I am so grateful that I have a boyfriend who understands how important it is to me that he interacts with my family. It really meant allot to have him there!

On Black Friday I did a little shopping and got about half of my list done! I saved a little money so I was happy about that!!!! Saturday Cacey's girls came back from their mom's house. So me being the Christmas decoration freak that I am pretty much forced Cacey to put up his Christmas tree so we could decorate it! :) He was a trooper that he is (and after 3 hours of rearranging living room furniture) set it up! We didn't actually decorate it until Sunday because his brother turned 40 and was having a birthday.. So we went up there that night! It was fun though! And the girls were OK with waiting until Sunday to decorate! The tree turned out to be really pretty! :) It makes me smile to see it lit up! And even tho Cacey is a scrooge I know he enjoys it too....

Other than that not much has been going on! I have started doing some art projects and have really been enjoying it! I forgot how great of an escape art was for me. I hope I stick with it and really get some things going again!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :) I know that I will!


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