Thursday, June 4, 2009


Oh wow .... It sure has been a busy week! That explains why I have not blogged on here in so long! With starting a new job, and my friends wedding, and my new nephew on the way.... it has been super stressful!

My new job is so awesome! I love being busy all the time! It sure does make the time fly. but I do miss everyone from my old office! It's not the same when I have to talk to them through email's or instant messengers... But it have to will do!

One of my best friends is getting married tomorrow! Gosh so crazy to think about... Since I have known her for almost 11 yrs now! But anyways, I am in her line and we had the rehearsal yesterday and I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it since my sister was supposed to have her baby. But it all worked out and I made it there and they actually postponed the birth for today.....

So now I sit patiently in the waiting room of the hospital! And as I sit here I think about how much my life is about to change! Even though its not my son... I am going to be a part of his life for the rest of mine! I can't wait to hold him and hear him cry. I can't wait to sing him songs and teach him hand shakes and how to color. I can't wait to kiss him and let him know how much I love him... How much I have loved him from the start of his adventure rollin' around in my sisters tummy :)

I can't stop smiling! Every time I think about it I just get the biggest butterflies. Because for the past couple of months, even with feeling him kick it hasn't really hit me... But now its like "Ok this baby is coming out, and he is coming out now!" And I sure hope he loves me as much as I love him!

One thing is for sure.. this baby is already loved by so many people! I can't even believe how much my parents care about him! And how excited they are to have him come into their lives! And my grandparents!... First great grand baby for one set. And the first baby boy grand baby for the other! And Amber and Dusty... I know they are going to be amazing parents! Both of them just glow every time they even hear the name Jaxon! It's cute to see the anxiety run across their face's and the flicker of excitement in their eyes. And Ambie... She just has been such a happy pregnant woman! She really does love having him inside her belly! It's cute to see her sitting there pushing on her belly as she tries to get him to kick for me :) ....So thanks sis! I love you so much and I can't wait to have Jaxon in my life! I can't wait to see him smile for the first time... Or to hold him for the first time! And I can't wait to watch him grow up! Or to have our kids grow up together! I know you are going to be a wonderful mom! And I know he will love you as much as you love him!

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