Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beautiful scenery, great company, and a lifetime of memories!!

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Alright everyone.. Time to write about the fun yet blistering hot weekend! This past weekend was great! I got to do so many fun things! And even though it was scorching hot... I survived and am proud to say that my skin is only some what crispy....

So on Friday my sister asked me to go with her and help out with Jax while she got her haid done... Just in case he started fussing while she was processing. Because if he did.. She would not have been able to hold him because of the chemicals... Any ways... So we all know by now that I am pretty much head over heels for Jaxon so of course I said yes. And he was so good! He slept almost the whole time! But I got to hold him for so long! :) And I got to take some way cute pictures!

Later that night I night I hung out with some old friends that I had not seen in a while. We had so much fun! And even though there was only a few of us, we had some great laughs! I can't wait to see them again this weekend!

Saturday was perfect!!! I went for an amazing little hike up at Alta Ski Resort and took some great pictures of wildflowers. We couldn't have asked for better weather! It had to only be like 80 degrees. And the sun was shining and the air was sooo fresh and clean! It was so relaxing to get away from the city and breath in the fresh air and take in the beautiful scenery with wonderful company! If felt nice to get out and feel the sun on my skin and not sweat to death!

And on Sunday my grandma threw a party for my Grandpa because he turned 80 the day before! Can you believe that?!! I hope I live to see as many things as he has. I know he will be around for a long time, but he has already lived such a great life, filled with so many memories and historical events! And he still looks just as handsome as ever!!!!

The party could not have been better! A bunch of their friends were there and the best part was.... I got to spend time with my whole family which was fantastic!!! It is really rare when we can all get together since part of the family lives in AZ. But when they are able to visit we have so much fun together! And I love the fact that as we get older, our bonds grow so much stronger!

I could not be happier with how great my weekend was! I feel so blessed to have made so many beautiful memories with everyone that is most important to me! I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week filled with great memeories! I hope you all get out to breath some fresh air and take the time to notice some of the little things that make this world we live in the beautiful place that it is! I know that I will be doing just that!

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