Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cacey <3

Today is Cacey's birthday! :) It's crazy to think that we are still going strong... Who would have thought that things would actually work out between us. I remember how scared I was to even think of the possibility when we were first talking. I didn't think that my family would ever be ok with it since he is so much older and has 2 kids. But, it turns out that they love him as much as I do. And I couldn't be happier! :)

So in honor of his birthday I am going to list 36 things about him that I love.

1. The dimples on his cheeks that show even when he isn't trying :)
2. The fact he has had a job in almost every single trade!
3. I love that he is close to his family and talks to his parents and sees them on a regular basis. Family is important to me so I feel blessed to finally share that with someone else.
4. The fact that he loves my best friend almost as much as I do. He doesn't make me choose between him and my friends.
5. How he can tell if something is bothering me.
6. And that he actually takes the time to figure out what it is that is bothering me... Even if it takes all day or night.
7. He gets my hints when I want him to tickle my back :) and he does it with a smile on his face and never complains.
8. He is calm. Therefore we even each other out because I have a high case of anxiety all the time.
9. he is an amazing father. He would do anything for his girls. They literally melt his heart.
10. He can fix a car! I used to worry about that! But now that I am with someone who actually knows what the engine of a car looks like.... It's such a relief!
11. I love this one... I think it's crazy/great that he bought his first truck at 16 from my dad! I don't know of anyone that has a story like that... We go back further than this year! :)
12. Or that his parents still live in the house they bought when he bought my dad's truck... Which just happens to be at the end of our old West Jordan neighborhood.... I still smile every time I pass our old house.
13. He is honest. His life has always been an open book for me and my family. He is not afraid to tell people about his life.
14. We have a trusting relationship. We don't question each other because we have no need to.
15. He loves to cook and is good at it! When we first started dating he made me Portobello Mushrooms, a juicy steak, and a salad.... My mouth still waters at that thought! It was sooo good!
16. Even though he hates my hip hop he will still listen to it... for a while at least!
17. He let me put up all the Christmas decorations that I wanted even though he is a scrooge :)
18. He lets me turn his kitchen into an art studio to do projects with Ariah and Rylee :)
19. I love laying on the couch in comfys while we watch a movie, with his arm around my shoulder.
20. He has become one of the best things in my life.
21. He encourages me to be a better person. And motivates me to achieve goals.
22. He makes me think about my life in a different way.
23. He is completely selfless. He is concerned about the happiness of everyone he loves most in his life.
24. He is someone that I can confide in whole heartedly.
25. I love the fact that we can talk for hours on end about nothing at all.
26. He has amazing eye lashes! :)
27. He is the best friend I could ask to be in love with!
28. He brings out the best in me.
29. He loves me unconditionally.
30. He has been there for me when I needed someone most.
31. He gave me all the time in the world to open up completely to him.
32. How well he takes "old age" jokes when I crack them :)
33. The way his face lights up when his daughters do or say something that touches him.
34. He makes me laugh and smile on a daily basis.
35. When he kisses me on my forehead, I can feel how much he loves me.
36. He has helped me realize that you don't need someone in your life to be
complete. But that it makes things sweeter when it is shared with someone else.

I know that some of those things sound like they are really nothing at all. But to me, it's the simple things about our relationship that I love most. I have told him before that I am not sure if I can say that I have never loved anyone as much as I do him... Because love comes and goes. And in the beginning stages we say that every time. " I have never loved someone this much." But what I do know is that I have finally found someone that loves me the way that I have always wanted. I have now found the love that I have been looking for. He makes me happy and has from day one. I love every minute that I spend with him and his girls. They have all grown to be one of the most amazing things to come into my life. I remember how scared I was to tell other's about him at first. But in the end what it boils down to is that he makes me happy. I don't think anyone could want anything less for someone that they care about.

I am so thankful to have him as a part of my life. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to start a new chapter with. He brings out the best in me and drives me to be a better person! He is completely selfless and has so much love to give to others! I hope one day I will be able to express to him exactly how much he means to me.

Happy Birthday Cacey! Thank you for just being you and allowing me to share a life with you! I love you and I hope you have a great day today! <3 Muah!

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