Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Ambi Bambi!

I can't believe my big sister is already 25! Holy cow! It seems like just yesterday we were fighting over who had to "do the blue bathroom and who got to do the green bathroom" :) ... We have had our rough patches and been to the point of almost hating eachothers guts! But... through it all I still have to say I was blessed with the most amazing sister anyone could ask for. So in honor of her... I will list off 22 things that I find most memorable about her... 21 reasons because I am 21. And one extra because she bore the most amazing person in my life :)

Drumb roll please!!!!!............

22. I will never forget the time you made dad's voice go 3 octives higher and jab the vaaccuum into the corner of your bedroom because of the spiders on steroids that were right by him. LOL I can still picture it. He was so brave and we still didn't think we were safe on your bed.

21. The Christmas you gave me Bath Time Fun Kelly... and I walked in on you wrapping it so you gave it to me then. You always do give the best presents :)

20. The time that we were fighting and I wanted to run away. So I packed up a little bag and grabbed the 2 white puppies and cried my way out the door. And you told me to wait, because mom would get mad if the puppies were gone. Then you took them away from me. And I just cried by the stop sign because I had no where to go.

19. Playing night games with the entire neighborhood... Until you were too cool to play.

18. Going to your clogging practices. I wanted to be just like you. That is why I signed up.. Then I figured out it was not my cup of tea.

17. Jumping on the tramp in the duplex at night the night I got the flu. I remember got really sick almost instantly. And you could tell so you walked me inside and took care of me until I went to bed.

16. The time we played cops and robbers and you I picked up the shoe and you ran past me and knocked the shoe in my face smearing poo all over my face. I still gag everytime I smell that fresh dog poo smell. Ugh.... But it was totally worth it, because I still laugh at the whole senario in my head when I picture puking in the toilet while mom puked in the tub. LOL

15. Making the club house with you, Kris, and Chels.

14. Hanging out with you on Valentine's Day when I was 15. It was fun to see you on that different level.

13. You teaching me how to drive a stick shift. You laughed at me every time I killed it in traffic because I would panic.

12. I will never forget when I was 15 and going through a really rough time. And you told me how you felt the first time you held me in the hospital.

11. Every time you would walk down the hall and burp really loud. And mom would say " You are never going to find a boyfriend if you keep doing that! "

10. The time you yelled at that girl when I was in 3rd grade because she invited everyone to her birthday but me.

09. Or the time you yelled at Megan at the bus stop because Will was mean to me.

08. Going to girls camp with you. I liked to be around you. You were always making sure I was ok. And that I was having fun.

07. The time you took me to the dunes with you when you were first hanging out with Dustin. I felt privilaged that I had finally earned that right!

06. Doing chores together as punishment. lol... oh man...

05. Going to the gym with you every night when I was in middle school.

04. This past year when I called you crying because I had no where else to go. And you stayed up with me and talked to me until I was ok. Even though you were pregnant and had to work in the morning.

03. When I found out you were pregnant with Jaxon.

02. The first time I felt him kick.

01. And my favorite memory by far would have to be staying at the hospital with you the night Jaxon was born. That was the day that my perspective on life changed. And the night that you brought the most wonderful person in my life into the world.

Amber, I want you to know that I really do love you so much. I will never be able to tell you how much of an impact you have had on my life. You have always been here for me. And I am so blessed to have a sister who loves me so much. I know we have had our rough times. But I also know that I feel closer to you more and more every day.

Thank you for always protecting me from bullies, or DB boyfriends. Thank you for not judging me and understanding that I am different. And thank you for accepting me for being that person. Thank you for giving me advice... and your opinion... Even when I didn't want to hear it :) Thank you for always making me feel welcome in your home. Thank you for not only being a great sister.. But one of the best friends I could ask for. And last but certainly not least... Thank you for bringing Jaxon into this world! I love him so much! And he is so lucky to have such a great mommy!

I hope you have a great day sis! And I hope you always know that having you in my life means the world to me! I love you!

Love, your baby sister

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