Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Today is a special day for a couple people I know... But one in particular is more meaningful than the rest.... That would be the birthday of my Aunt Sheila! For everyone that knows Sheila they know that she is one of the most generous and caring people in the world! But she is also so many other things! Sheila is so much fun and for so many years of my life she was my second mom.... Almost every weekend Britt and I would have a sleep over in Granstville and she would always preform a list of daily tasks for me.....

  • Wake up at 8:00 to keep me company while Britt slept in til noon.
  • Made me breakfast.... not just a little one... More than enough!
  • Made sure I was entertained til lunch.Made me lunch... Offering more than enough for one person
  • Took me and Britt where ever we wanted to go that day.
  • And made sure we had dinner and money to go out that night....

Those were just the daily tasks... That doesn't include the surprise sales me and Brittany would have on Saturdays to make money... Those days she would buy us the stuff and then allow us to keep the money. :)

Sheila has one of the biggest hearts out of anyone. She is always putting others before herself. And that is something that I truly admire about her. She has always been there for my family when we were going through hard times.... I remember one year at Christmas she pulled me aside at a family function and gave me $100 to spend on my family because "they deserved it" .... That small gesture has effected me to this day.. and is something that I will remember for the rest of my life! I still get tears in my eyes when I think about that. I was not old enough to work yet.... but she thought about me and my family and wanted to make sure that we still had a Christmas. I don't think I will ever be able to tell her how much that meant to me.

She has always been a great example to me. And I hope she knows how much her big heart shows. Sheila is willing to help anyone in need. It doesn't matter who it is.... someone that works for their company, a family member, friend, or even someone in their ward. Even if you needed something and didn't ask, she would do whatever she could to help.

Another thing that I love about her is her personality.... Driving back to Salt Lake while she rapped Eminem or rocked out to KISS still makes me smile!.... Or playing the air guitar in my kitchen while her and my dad sang a duet of "Highway to Hell". :) Those were the days.....

Sheila, I hope you realize how amazing you really are! Thank you so much for always being there for me and my family! You truly are an angel and I know you will be blessed for all that you do for others! Thank you again for everything! I don't know if I will ever be able to tell you or show you how much you have impacted my life..... But I hope you know that I really do look up to you!

I love you She She

Love always, Nicki

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