Thursday, March 5, 2009


Since today is my Friday and I won't be at work to blog about my mom on her actual birthday... I figured maybe I would do it now..... Now I could be a brat and steal my sister's idea of naming off 47 things that I admire most about my mom (like she did for my dad) ... But I really think that would just be too uncreative of me.... Because I don't wanna be an idea stealer. So I will name off 21 things that I love and admire about her since I will be 21 in one week!

A few reason why my mom is the best!

  1. She has always put up with me and my sister's fights
  2. She can always tell when I have been crying just by the sound of my voice.
  3. I get my beautiful eyes from her :)
  4. She is a cryer just like me.
  5. She is the biggest animal lover you will ever meet.
  6. When Amber and I would fight really bad and she was just about ready to kill us, she would leave and come back and hour later perfectly calm. And she always have food for us.
  7. She would pick us up from the baby sitter's just to take us to lunch.
  8. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know.
  9. She always wants us kids to go out with her and dad... even if it is date night.
  10. She has always been there for me when I have needed someone most.
  11. She is always wanting to know what we want for dinner..... even before we have had a chance to think about breakfast :) Amber, you know what I am talking about.
  12. She just laughs at all the women who want my dad because she knows how big of a stud he is.
  13. She always puts others before herself.
  14. No matter what we have gone through as a family, she and my dad have always made sure my sister and I have had not only what we needed but also what we wanted.
  15. She was such a trooper the time she went on our class field trip in the heat with me as we marched down to the park.... I think it was the park wasn't it?
  16. She was always at every softball game.
  17. She was always at every choir concert.
  18. She was always gentle when she did my hair.
  19. She always told me I wasn't fat.... even when I KNOW I was.
  20. She lights up when she is happy.
  21. She has always loved me no matter what phase I have gone through in my life.

I can not even put into words how thankful I am to have my mom in my life. She is one of the most caring people anyone could ever meet. And she has put up with so much over the years. I know I have not always been the greatest daughter. I have said some things and acted out in ways that I am ashamed of. But she has never turned her back on me and has always been there for me when I was alone. And I thank God everyday that he gave me such a wonderful mom. Because there are none like her. She has been such a great role model to my sister and me. And even when we have fallen off track she has been patient and made sure we knew she was there for us. I love her so much for that! Its so comforting to know that no matter what trial I am faced with at the time... She will always be there.

So thank you mom, for always being so loving and caring! Thank you for showing me that it is OK to mess up.... but to always stay true to my heart. I don't even know or want to think about the kind of person I would be if I did not have you in my life. You have always been such a great example and I hope someday I can half the mom to my kids that you have been to me. You have made one of the biggest impacts on my life and who I am as a woman. And that is something I can not thank you enough for. You are my hero! I love you more than I will ever be able to express in any form.

I hope you have a great birthday!

I love you momma!

Love your youngest baby Colie XOXO

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