Monday, April 6, 2009


I can't help but smile when I walk outside! Warm weather!!!! It's so great! I hope it stays like this for a while!

My weekend was great as usual! I spent it with Justin like usual. We pretty much just lounged around for the most part.... We watched a couple of movies. Ratatouille and Open Season 2. He had never seen Ratatouille and wanted to... It really is a great show! I love it! I could watch it over and over! I think he liked it too!

Saturday night Justin and I went bowling with another couple Chaz and Frankie. Chaz and Justin grew up playin' sports together and he moved to Altamont a few years ago with his family after he got home from his mission. His family came to Grantsville over the weekend and he brought his girlfriend Frankie... So we decided to do a double date and go cosmic bowling! It was sooo much fun! He is way funny and his girlfriend is a sweetheart! It's usually just Justin and me on the weekends so it's nice every once in a while to go out with another couple. They might be coming up again this weekend so maybe we will do something! Hopefully! We talked about going down there this Summer and going camping! Frankie said she knows allot of pretty places to go to. So I am way excited for that! We didn't keep score but Justin and I both bowled really well.... He got like a 170 and I broke 100! Wahoo! That's good for me! I suck usually! :)

Sunday we just watched a little conference. And it really was a wonderful session! I think there are alto of people who needed to hear the some of the talks. There were allot of really good speakers. Some of my favorites were Oaks, and Ballard (from Saturday's session) and of course the prophet. I missed Eyring... Which I was a little disappointed about because he is my absolute favorite! But thankfully my dad recorded it! :) So I am sure I will be watching it soon!

We took a drive up South Willow Canyon later that day. Its really pretty up there. Well from where we saw. They still have the canyon shut down because of snow, so we only say a little bit of trees..... I can't wait to go camping up there this Summer! Justin said its beautiful up there!

Well that was a about it for my weekend! I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful weather! Hopefully we can keep it around long enough for a nice Easter day!

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