Monday, March 2, 2009

The good ol' days!

Over the weekend I was home watching home videos from sooooo long ago! Its was fun for me to watch them with my parents and listen to their comments from when they could remember something. And it was hilarious to see the traits that my sister and I still have to this day! In one video my sister and I were opening up our Christmas gifts in our old house... (more like the house from hell).... well it was not that bad. But it was not that great either. Anyways, every time she opened her clothes she would unfold them, look at them, and then re-fold them PER-FECT-LY and was so excited about them! And if it was not folded right the first time.. she would redo it. This must have been where the O.C.D. first started. Because if you looked at her clothes and her closet now, you would just laugh because everything is still so neat. Me on the other hand.... I just wanted the fun stuff... and the food makers..... :) I would open up my clothes say "cool" and toss them to my mom to fold or shove them in the box and move on to the next gift. LOL... I don't do that anymore, I am actually tidy and I do love clothes.... but I have always loved my toys! And the food maker explains alot. :) No wonder I was a chunk! I love to grub!

My parents were laughing too because they said Amber was like the "mother" always taking care of me. I don't really know if that was by choice though. Because I was always attached to her hip. I wanted to be just like her! But either way she always took care of me when I needed something. They said that I was always sooo excited over everything! And it showed in the videos. My parents said that I should have been an actress because I was so dramatic when I talked and everything was so big to me! I thought it was funny. But ya know I am still the same way. I love to tell stories, make them extravagant, and act them out, and I can find humor in everything! It doesn't take much to make me laugh.

Watching those videos brought back so many memories! We always had so much fun as a family! Whether it was camping in Tabi, going on trips with Grandma and Grandpa Dennison to Cali, Jackson Hole, or even just birthday party's and family functions! It didn't matter what we did. And I am so grateful that I can have those videos to remember and show my kids when they are little so they can see some of the best memories of my life!

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