Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Today is a special day for a couple people I know... But one in particular is more meaningful than the rest.... That would be the birthday of my Aunt Sheila! For everyone that knows Sheila they know that she is one of the most generous and caring people in the world! But she is also so many other things! Sheila is so much fun and for so many years of my life she was my second mom.... Almost every weekend Britt and I would have a sleep over in Granstville and she would always preform a list of daily tasks for me.....

  • Wake up at 8:00 to keep me company while Britt slept in til noon.
  • Made me breakfast.... not just a little one... More than enough!
  • Made sure I was entertained til lunch.Made me lunch... Offering more than enough for one person
  • Took me and Britt where ever we wanted to go that day.
  • And made sure we had dinner and money to go out that night....

Those were just the daily tasks... That doesn't include the surprise sales me and Brittany would have on Saturdays to make money... Those days she would buy us the stuff and then allow us to keep the money. :)

Sheila has one of the biggest hearts out of anyone. She is always putting others before herself. And that is something that I truly admire about her. She has always been there for my family when we were going through hard times.... I remember one year at Christmas she pulled me aside at a family function and gave me $100 to spend on my family because "they deserved it" .... That small gesture has effected me to this day.. and is something that I will remember for the rest of my life! I still get tears in my eyes when I think about that. I was not old enough to work yet.... but she thought about me and my family and wanted to make sure that we still had a Christmas. I don't think I will ever be able to tell her how much that meant to me.

She has always been a great example to me. And I hope she knows how much her big heart shows. Sheila is willing to help anyone in need. It doesn't matter who it is.... someone that works for their company, a family member, friend, or even someone in their ward. Even if you needed something and didn't ask, she would do whatever she could to help.

Another thing that I love about her is her personality.... Driving back to Salt Lake while she rapped Eminem or rocked out to KISS still makes me smile!.... Or playing the air guitar in my kitchen while her and my dad sang a duet of "Highway to Hell". :) Those were the days.....

Sheila, I hope you realize how amazing you really are! Thank you so much for always being there for me and my family! You truly are an angel and I know you will be blessed for all that you do for others! Thank you again for everything! I don't know if I will ever be able to tell you or show you how much you have impacted my life..... But I hope you know that I really do look up to you!

I love you She She

Love always, Nicki

Monday, March 30, 2009

Soccer mom Monday

Ok, so I am a little tired today.... I didn't sleep much last night because Justin was sick so I could hear him cough and snore and he was just not having a good night.... So I kept waking up to make sure he was ok and didn't need anything. So I probably got about 2 hours of sleep total.... So there fore today I look like this...............

Ta Daaaaa!!!!!! Grab the mini van and car seats guys!!!! Here comes the soccer mom!
The soccer mom look..... Or the " I got ready in five minutes.... pulled my hair up threw on a sweat shirt and tennis shoes. " My aunt said I look cute... but I thought I looked awful!So if this is what a cute soccer mom looks like.... I hope I still look this good in a few years after I have kids!
This past weekend for me was just great! Even though I didn't do much I still had a blast! On Friday my aunt and I volunteered at a rest home called Wentworth. My aunt has a friend who is in charge of activities there and she said they are always looking for help, so we have gone in a couple times and visited with them. My aunt Shauna has been a few more times than me. She has been to the Alzheimer's unit and the Assisted Living part as well. But when I go, I particularly love being in the Alzheimer's unit. I love being around them! I have so much fun! I really do miss taking care of them! They love company and they are all so interesting and have the funnest personalities!

It felt good to be around them again. I want to try and make an effort to spend more time with them because I really do leave there in such a great mood and it makes my day go by so much better!

On Saturday Justin had a softball tournament that he does for his men's league out in Tooele! It was so much fun to watch! I love baseball and softball and I love to watch him play! He really is so good! He plays effortlessly! And he even hit a home run!!!! Well the ump called it foul but I thought it was fair. It didn't go foul til after the pole. But oh well..... I always wanted a baseball player... and now I have one! :) As the saying goes for me " Baseball butts drive me nuts!" Anyways... there team only played 3 games, but they won all of them.... AND..... They took first in the tournament! I thought that was pretty cool! I can't wait til the season actually starts and I can go to his games!

Not much else happened. Except I did learn that if you lose a screw from your sun glasses... you don't have to buy a whole new pair. You can just go to Walmart and the optics center will give you a new screw! Pretty neat! I didn't waist 20 bucks on a new pair thanks to Justin's mom :)!

Anyways... I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Come on already!

So today I have been in this funk.... And I finally figured out why.... Its because I am soooo ready for the warm weather!!!!! There is nothing like a camping trip, BBQ, hiking, Swimming, or sitting by the fire!!!! Ahhh :) I can't wait! I know its coming soon... But it doesn't feel like its coming soon enough! Hurry up late Spring and Summer!!! Warm my body with your beautiful sun rays! I am ready to take on the heat! Let's get this party started! Time to get tan! So bring it on!!!!

In honor of the Summer to be... I have posted some pics of some of my favorite memories from last Summer! Enjoy!

Alaska in June! One of the most beautiful places in the world! Breath taking! Pictures don't even compare to what it really looks like!

Sheep's Bay.... Trickles off into the ocean. We found it when we went Whale watching!

This picture is pretty much self explanatory.... Soooo Amazing! I really was speechless!

Child's Glacier "out the road" on 52 Mile. It really is deep blues and greys. We were so close to it! I always thought Glaciers were just white and grey.

I love how green everything is! And the air is so fresh! I miss it there! I would love to go back over and over!

Flaming Gorge! Where I pretty much lived every weekend! So much fun! And so relaxing.... There is nothin like sleeping under the stars at night and soakin up the sun all day!

I could literally go on and on about all the fun times of last year and post a million pictures. Because I do have a slight obsession with photos. I am what they call a picture slut... But I love taking pictures! Any ways. Just thought I would share that with you! Enjoy the cold! Bundle up!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Temporary Insanity

Ok... So this whole day has been quite fun. I am usually in a good mood because I love the guys I work with! They make it sooo fun! But one I talk to most is Dave and over the years we have become good friends. He just moved his office down next to mine. So lately we have been talking just randomly because we have all been stuck in the office.... Well I was getting ready to heat some food up....To be specific steak, potatoes, corn, and mushrooms... kind of like those mashed potato bowls from KFC that they sell now. Well Dave said he was hungry so I told him he could have some of it..... So I dish my bowl up and he takes his and he pulls out this hot sauce..... Now, I love Chalula... And since I didn't have any I thought I would try some. Well that was a huge mistake! Because of a couple reasons.... A. It smelled funny... HOT.... B. It came out way too fast... and C. When I took that first bite I have never experienced a fiery sweat like I did today... Good LORD! My eyes were watering...I started to cough.... My taste buds burned off... my upper lip started to sweat... my nose started to run... and my throat now has third degree burns! This is what I felt like...But with fire coming out my nose and sweat dripping from my face!

During this time Dave and another guy I work with were just laughing. Sean (the other guy) decided to give it a try and he just dabbed it on a piece of steak and was almost coughing. Now during this point... I was leaning back trying to get the milk I was enjoying (thank the lord I had some in my fridge still) to hit the top of my mouth and throat to cool it down.... and when he started to turn red... I started to laugh.... Well I tried to hold it in and I failed horribly... Needless to say I crouched down, spit milk all over the floor and was now laughing hysterically with milk all over my face and coming out my nose! Not so fun to have milk and hot sauce up your nose because it makes you sweat and burn even more. This is not something that I want to experience again..... But it really was hilarious!

Aahhhh :) Good times at Lone Peak! That is why I love my job. The people here are what make it so interesting....Well the events that occur are anyways....

Well just thought I would share that little episode that I had. Hope you all enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day!

Monday, March 23, 2009

This past weekend was a good one! Thursday night I went out to my boyfriend's house which is always fun. But it was his birthday so I left work a little early to go and get him his present. Doug loves Native American music so we decided to get him a couple c.d.'s since he plays the one he has quite a bit. Well me being the not so smart thinker just googled "Native American Music in Utah " and found the Trading Post.... Little did I know I could have just went to Walmart... But anyways.... The Trading Post was sooo cool! But I was mostly drawn to the jewelry. Now for everyone that knows me they know I am a jewelry junkie. And if I had the money and no spending limit I would have bought one of everything!!! Ugh! So tempting because I love hand made jewelry and stones and that was the whole selection.... But I did walk away empty handed so that was good! Oh yeah I also found out they have a cook in the store on Saturday and Sundays and they make Navajo Tacos! I am definitely going back for one! So if anyone else is interested hit me up. Oh and Dough did like them! So that was the best part!!!!

Friday Justin and I went on a hike... It was such a beautiful day! And we had a blast! We saw a ton of deer and he took his gun so we got to practice our shooting. And he was surprised because I am a pretty good. He has seen me shoot before but I think it still shocks him :).... too bad I am not a hunter eh? Any way, it was just great to be outside and getting the fresh air!

On Saturday I came back to Salt Lake and had a girls night with my friends. We went to the batting cages and then out to dinner. It was fun! Its always nice to have the girls together. Even though we were not all together at the same time and we were missing a few it was still fun!

Sunday was really laid back... Just kind of hung out with the family which is always fun! And I made some killer cupcakes. I tried to decorate them all professional like. But I am not very good. I guess I better not quit my day job! Oh well they sure tasted good! :)

This was before I got REALLY creative and starting in with the cake decorator tool! The squeezey thingy....

Well I hope you all have a great day! Even though it is a not so fun day with the storm! Stay warm!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Doug!

Today is my boyfriends Dad's birthday so I decided to post a blog in honor of him. Doug is one of the greatest people you will ever meet! Ever since the first day I hung out with Justin I fell in love with his family. His mom is a sweetheart, his brother is awesome and always make me laugh, and his dad is just the most welcoming person you will ever meet. He has always made me feel so comfortable at their house. And he is always the first one to make you laugh. He tells the greatest stories! Whether or not they are true... they still keep me entertained! And usually I believe them...... For instance, the first couple months we were dating he told me that Justin's mom Kay was pregnant with Justin when she was on her MISSION in Canada and that is how he knows the Canadian National Anthem so well.... Me being the gullible blond that I am believed him and went home and told my parents. And they both just looked at me like I was an idiot and told me I shouldn't believe that..... Well when I went to Justin's next and told Doug what I had discovered he just laughed at me and shook his head..... How was I supposed to know they didn't let pregnant women go on missions? Oh that's right... I should have listened in church... Must have missed that lesson ;) ..... That story is something that still gets brought up to this day. I have a feeling it won't be going away anytime soon either!

Anyways, really I just want to thank Doug for making me feel so welcome. And for being such a great example. I am so grateful that Justin has such a great father figure to look up to. Justin loves his dad so much and hopes to be as good of a father as Doug is to him and Trevor. His outgoing personality, big smile, and warm heart will make anyone feel at ease. And even though I am taking away part of his baby boy he still wants me around! He was even nice enough to let Justin take me on their all guys hunting trip last year.... Now how many guys will do that?!

This is a picture of Trevor, Ty (the non related son), Justin, and Doug on the hunting trip last October that I got to go on.

I love how he is sooo involved in Justin's and Trevor's lives. He loves to be around them and hang out with his boys! You can really tell that they are his world! It makes me smile when I think of how much he admires them. And I really am so grateful that he sets such a great example not only to them but to me as well!

So thank you Doug for being the wonderful person that you are! I don't know I will ever be able to tell you how grateful I am to have you as someone to look up to! And I know that allot of the person Justin is, is because of the great examples you set for him. Thank you for raising such an amazing son! I love you and I hope you have a great day!

Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My old people!

Today I went to an assisted living center called Wentworth. I have a friend who helps with the activities there and she said that they are always looking for help. So she arranged for my grandpa to start helping out there during the afternoons on some days. And said I could go there any time and visit them. She also wrote me down to be a volunteer to take them to the temple in a few weeks and I can't wait!

I miss my old job so bad! I loved being a C.N.A. at Legacy! I loved the people there so much! They were so much fun and they became such a big part of my life! And I was so sad to leave there. But at the time I had to. So when Cindy told me she worked there my wheels started to turn! I have been thinking about going back to get re certified and becoming a C.N.A. again. I mostly enjoyed working with the Alzheimer's patients. But I love the other's too. But you know when you feel like something is missing? Well that has been me for the past little while. And now I know what it is! My old people! :) I forgot how happy I was being around them! Its funny how being around them brings out a different side of me! I almost forgot how happy I was when I was at work those couple of years! Even though the job is not glorious... I found so much joy in taking care of them and just being with them. Especially the Alzheimer's patients. They are so sweet and for some reason I just feel such a connection with them. There has been so many times where I just wanted to go back and visit them. But I just couldn't find the time. And I regret that because it gives me the best feeling when I am around them.....

I don't know if I really will get back into it... It was just a thought.... But even if I don't, I am still going to put forth the effort to go and see them. What better way to find happiness, than to bring it into the life's of others?!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Guess who had a super fun birthday?!
Me! I did! :) My family, Justin, and I got a condo in St. George for the weekend and drove to Vegas on Saturday for my big day! We had such a great time! The weather was perfect the whole time! And the drive there and back was pretty fun! My parents are hilarious and I love the fact that we are so close now because I really have seen some different sides of them! They really do say some of the funniest stuff... some stuff I would tell you but they are not Internet appropriate. ;)

The weather was soooo great when we got to St. George! Everyone that lived there was in jackets and long sleeves.. I on the other hand was in a tank and shorts! All I wanted to do when we got there was be out side so me and Justin got out the mitts and played catch for a bit while we caught a few rays.
We both got a little to much sun though.. His ears started to turn red and my face is now peeling like the weirdo on Austin Powers. Ya know, the guy that has the skin collection! Ugh! Gross I know. But it doesn't matter when you are having fun though!

Later that night Justin and I went over to his Uncle's condo. All of his Aunts and Uncles from his dad's side were in St. George along with his grandparents. So we went over there to visit. I have never met any of them so I really enjoyed it! He has a great family and they were all extremely welcoming! I can't wait to get to know them better. I was going to take some pictures of them all but I wasn't really sure about what everyone would say so I held off... It was hard, but I left the camera in the car! But I did talk Justin into letting me take a picture before we went in!

After that we just went back to the condo and hung out. Dusty and Amber brought their WII down so we had a blast playing that! Justin had never played one before and he thought it was awesome! We mostly played baseball and tennis, but we played a little bit of Mario Cart too. Oh yeah and boxing! If you want a good arm workout... try it! I am STILL sore!

On the way to Vegas Dustin was so tired from searching for some Sleepy Time Tea all night that he decided to take a little nap. I decided that it was a perfect opportunity to get a picture of him without the bird being flipped at me! :) He doesn't really look comfortable but it sure was a nice and quiet ride. Well more like comfortable because I didn't have to worry about being pinched!

Vegas was awesome! I have never really been to where I could remember it. I went when I was really little but this was the first time I really ventured out of just the hotel room. There were so many cool buildings! And the weather was so nice! But I am glad that I don't live there because the traffic was horrible along with other things. Nothing like Utah! But its a good get-a-way!

We mostly stayed around the hotel where the show was. But I was fine with that! It was really cool! I love the little Venice street! I wanted to go on a Gondola ride so bad! But because of lack of time and money (for me) I will have to hold off! It was really neat though! So much to see! Besides what is not cool about picking the nose, or kissing a replica of a Blue Man?

We all took turns taking couples photos by the canal. And my sis and I took one together too. But she has them on her camera. So those pictures will come later. But I liked this one of her and Dusty.

This is me and Justin at the Outlet center while shopping. Excuse my stomach. It has a mind of its own. Especially when I am not on my diet at the moment!

This is us later that night in front of the fountain! Loved it! I have blue on my face because we asked for a kiss on the cheek and got a thumb print instead... Oh well!

THE BLUE MAN GROUP!!!! Oh where to start.... I loved it! I thought it was amazing! Yes, they are creepy looking! But they put on a dang good show! And I was really excited that they stuck around afterwards so we could get pictures! They never talk... they just use facial expressions. And they don't sign autographs. They just stick their finger on their face and give a thumbprint. Us with my favorite one of the Blue Men.

Showin off the "Kisses"

The whole night was sooo much fun! I could not have asked for a better birthday or better company! My family was so much fun to be with! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did! Thanks guys for everything!

Oh yeah.... Justin had been telling me all weekend that he had forgotten my gift. So it was a real surprise when I got done getting ready for bed and he gave it to me. He said he was waiting for the perfect moment and he wanted to surprise me! He always does stuff like that! I love it! it puts the biggest smile on my face! But I couldn't stop beaming when I opened it up....................

He got me a ring with my birth stone set in the middle of some diamonds! I love it! I can't stop looking at it! And he did a really good job at the sizing too! I can't believe he got me this! But I feel so special to have it! I have never gotten something so nice from a guy!

The picture doesn't do it justice at all.. So if you want to take a look, let me know! I will be more than happy to show it off! ;)

I am sooo glad I got to go to Vegas and St. George to celebrate being 21! Thanks again mom, dad, sis, Dusty and Justin! My birthday was the best ever! And I loved spending it with all of you! I love you guys!

Monday, March 9, 2009


So this was a few weeks ago but I got a few good pictures of the hockey game that I went to with my friends and I thought I would share.... Since they are way too good to keep to myself! :) Enjoy!!!!!!

Me and Justin at the Grizz's game with the girls and Brock. He was such a trooper that night. Amanda said that if he can handle that night he is definitely a keeper. And I have to agree completely! Thanks babe! You are the best!!!!!!!

This is a photo of Chy before she made an idiot out of herself.....

I like to call this Brock's " I don't know... But please don't notice me face"

This is my " I hate my night right now" face and the " Wow...." face by Justin.....

And this is why lol...............................
Yes, it was a handful... But how can you stay mad at a face like that! :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Since today is my Friday and I won't be at work to blog about my mom on her actual birthday... I figured maybe I would do it now..... Now I could be a brat and steal my sister's idea of naming off 47 things that I admire most about my mom (like she did for my dad) ... But I really think that would just be too uncreative of me.... Because I don't wanna be an idea stealer. So I will name off 21 things that I love and admire about her since I will be 21 in one week!

A few reason why my mom is the best!

  1. She has always put up with me and my sister's fights
  2. She can always tell when I have been crying just by the sound of my voice.
  3. I get my beautiful eyes from her :)
  4. She is a cryer just like me.
  5. She is the biggest animal lover you will ever meet.
  6. When Amber and I would fight really bad and she was just about ready to kill us, she would leave and come back and hour later perfectly calm. And she always have food for us.
  7. She would pick us up from the baby sitter's just to take us to lunch.
  8. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know.
  9. She always wants us kids to go out with her and dad... even if it is date night.
  10. She has always been there for me when I have needed someone most.
  11. She is always wanting to know what we want for dinner..... even before we have had a chance to think about breakfast :) Amber, you know what I am talking about.
  12. She just laughs at all the women who want my dad because she knows how big of a stud he is.
  13. She always puts others before herself.
  14. No matter what we have gone through as a family, she and my dad have always made sure my sister and I have had not only what we needed but also what we wanted.
  15. She was such a trooper the time she went on our class field trip in the heat with me as we marched down to the park.... I think it was the park wasn't it?
  16. She was always at every softball game.
  17. She was always at every choir concert.
  18. She was always gentle when she did my hair.
  19. She always told me I wasn't fat.... even when I KNOW I was.
  20. She lights up when she is happy.
  21. She has always loved me no matter what phase I have gone through in my life.

I can not even put into words how thankful I am to have my mom in my life. She is one of the most caring people anyone could ever meet. And she has put up with so much over the years. I know I have not always been the greatest daughter. I have said some things and acted out in ways that I am ashamed of. But she has never turned her back on me and has always been there for me when I was alone. And I thank God everyday that he gave me such a wonderful mom. Because there are none like her. She has been such a great role model to my sister and me. And even when we have fallen off track she has been patient and made sure we knew she was there for us. I love her so much for that! Its so comforting to know that no matter what trial I am faced with at the time... She will always be there.

So thank you mom, for always being so loving and caring! Thank you for showing me that it is OK to mess up.... but to always stay true to my heart. I don't even know or want to think about the kind of person I would be if I did not have you in my life. You have always been such a great example and I hope someday I can half the mom to my kids that you have been to me. You have made one of the biggest impacts on my life and who I am as a woman. And that is something I can not thank you enough for. You are my hero! I love you more than I will ever be able to express in any form.

I hope you have a great birthday!

I love you momma!

Love your youngest baby Colie XOXO

Monday, March 2, 2009

The good ol' days!

Over the weekend I was home watching home videos from sooooo long ago! Its was fun for me to watch them with my parents and listen to their comments from when they could remember something. And it was hilarious to see the traits that my sister and I still have to this day! In one video my sister and I were opening up our Christmas gifts in our old house... (more like the house from hell).... well it was not that bad. But it was not that great either. Anyways, every time she opened her clothes she would unfold them, look at them, and then re-fold them PER-FECT-LY and was so excited about them! And if it was not folded right the first time.. she would redo it. This must have been where the O.C.D. first started. Because if you looked at her clothes and her closet now, you would just laugh because everything is still so neat. Me on the other hand.... I just wanted the fun stuff... and the food makers..... :) I would open up my clothes say "cool" and toss them to my mom to fold or shove them in the box and move on to the next gift. LOL... I don't do that anymore, I am actually tidy and I do love clothes.... but I have always loved my toys! And the food maker explains alot. :) No wonder I was a chunk! I love to grub!

My parents were laughing too because they said Amber was like the "mother" always taking care of me. I don't really know if that was by choice though. Because I was always attached to her hip. I wanted to be just like her! But either way she always took care of me when I needed something. They said that I was always sooo excited over everything! And it showed in the videos. My parents said that I should have been an actress because I was so dramatic when I talked and everything was so big to me! I thought it was funny. But ya know I am still the same way. I love to tell stories, make them extravagant, and act them out, and I can find humor in everything! It doesn't take much to make me laugh.

Watching those videos brought back so many memories! We always had so much fun as a family! Whether it was camping in Tabi, going on trips with Grandma and Grandpa Dennison to Cali, Jackson Hole, or even just birthday party's and family functions! It didn't matter what we did. And I am so grateful that I can have those videos to remember and show my kids when they are little so they can see some of the best memories of my life!