Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Therapy for the soul

If you know me well you will know that I take more pictures than probably anyone else you know... And I often get made fun of for this.. Because I will admit it... I take ALLOT! But to me, it is therapy for the soul. I take a picture not to put away in a scrap book. But because I want to remember how I felt in that moment... I try to capture the perfection in what I see.... I take multiple pictures of the same thing because you can see beauty in things from angles that you wouldn't notice just by looking at it straight on. I notice details in things that others wouldn't even think twice to look at. And if something "speaks to me" I freeze that moment in time.....

I take pictures of things that I want to remember. Things that most people say "they have seen it, but don't have the proof. Just the photograph in their memory" Or the things that others didn't think to notice ... I capture those moments because I want to be able to tell people my stories and give them examples of how great that moment or the person in it affected my life...Because in all honesty, there is a story behind every photo. There is an emotion that goes with it... Whether it be the laughter that I share with a loved one, a random object or person that I see on the side of the road, or a beautiful landscape or thunderstorm... My pictures are a part of me. They are made up of my emotions, and the moments in my life that make me who I am.

Now maybe I sound crazy.. or like my head is in the clouds. And in all honesty... yeah it is... I am a dreamer. I live in my own world and I think on levels that are much deeper than most people... But it makes me feel good to feel so much emotion. It makes me feel good to have such small details in this world impact my life in such a big way whether it be good or bad. Because my emotions and the way I see things and how they make me feel is what makes me, me.

Now I have a challenge... And no I don't want you to go out and start snapping pictures left and right of everything you see (unless of course you want to :) ). But I do challenge you to be more observant of the world seen through your eyes. Pay attention to the gardens and the colors that are peaking out of it.. Pay attention to the sky and the golds and oranges that are brushed through it as the sun sets... Or study the profile of someone that you are in contact with on a daily basis and see if you can pick something out about them that you never noticed before. Notice how those things affect you, and what they make you feel... We can pass something 100times until one day we notice the tiniest detail that changes our outlook of something from then on.. Or at least change our mindset for the day....There is so much beauty in the world and in the people around us...But we hardly stop to notice.... But I think it's time to "stop and smell the roses"

I believe that by making it a point to pick out the good in things, it makes us better people and eventually it will become a habit... Would that really be such a bad thing?

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