Thursday, March 25, 2010

bottled up tears

Today I want to cry.. and I want this feeling to go away... The feeling where your heart feels like it's skipping offbeat and your stomach is trying to escape through your upper abdomen.... I want it to go away and the only way I know how to do that is to cry.. But what do you do when you feel like you can't cry to the one who you need at the moment?

I cry alone... I don't let people see me cry if I can help it... Well about the things that truly upset me and affect me....

I feel alone.... I really wish Chelsea were here because I know that seeing her and talking with her would make me feel a little better. Sometimes I really do feel like she is the only person that gets me entirely... The only person that understands what I am saying without being offended. And sometimes I feel like she is the only one I can express myself to completely. Sometimes I feel like she knows how I am feeling better than I do.

I feel disappointed in the face that I am upset and the reasononing behind it is misunderstood.... and I feel alone... 2 feelings that don't mix well together.....

Tomorrow will be a better day... Lets hope.


  1. As weird as this might sound I understand 100% & completely where you are coming from. I have a hard time crying and putting my feelings out there. I always think I am going to look weak or something if I do. I don’t know what you’re going through, or what happened, But I do know you’re an amazing girl.. who without even knowing me personally has really helped my life. Who when I was going through the close to the hardest thing I had ever went through I talked to you about it. Not my friends, family, or anyone.. I talked to you. & you helped me so much during that time.. I can say without hesitation or second guessing myself that you are one amazing chick!!! & you will go far in life.. Keep your chin up girly & if you need to talk or vent.. I will always listen.. Just like you have with me..

  2. Thank you for that post Natilie! It really made me feel good to know that you feel that way! And I like you think you are amazing! And I truly admire you for how far you have come in your life!
