Thursday, March 4, 2010

My mamma!

I can't believe how quickly time has flown by... I am almost 22 and my mom will be 48 in 2 days! Can you believe it?! Any ways... in your honor, once again I will be making a list of things that I love about you.... There are 22 because your baby will be 22 this year :)

1. That I get my emotional nature from you.

2. Watching the Hills together :)

3. Latching onto your leg as you'd get ready in the morning.

4. When you would wake up extremely early in the morning to go to work so you could make sure you picked me up from daycare around 2-3... I don't remember what times they were... But I remember sitting next to the fence with the watch on my wrist and knowing what time you should be there by because you showed me. And I know you worried on the days you were late because you knew I was panicking.

5. When Amber and I would get in really bad fights that you couldn't handle and you would leave for a while... But you would always come back with a treat for us.

6. When I broke up with Zack and had a nervous break down in your arms. I felt closer to you after that day.

7. Going to movies with you Jill and all the kids. I always loved those nights.

8. When you ask what we want for dinner when it's only 7:00 in the morning :)

9. How big of an animal lover you are.

10. Watching Lifetime together on Sunday mornings.

11. How much you love dad.

12. That I have green eyes like you.

13. That you were always there for us no matter how mean we were to you.

14. How much you love Jaxon.. It almost spills out of you when he is around.

15. Your laugh when you think something is really funny.

16. Your German Chocolate cake.

17. How good you are to Cacey and his girls. And how fast you got over the age difference because you could see I was truly happy.... It feels nice to have a boyfriend that you guys actually like. And it makes me excited to have them as a part of our family.

18. You let me be myself and love me unconditionally.

19. You always put others first.

20. That you treat the dogs like humans.

21. That the Dr. told you not to have another baby after Amber because there was a good chance something would go wrong but you had me anyways.

22. How important our family is to you.

Mom you truly are the greatest mom there is. And if I were to name off all the reasons why I say that, my list would be endless. You have been one of my biggest support systems in life.. And even in the times that I was angry at the world.. You were there for me. I feel so blessed to have such a positive role model to look up to. You has so many wonderful traits that I hope to take on when I have kids. Because if I could even be half the mom you are, I know my kids will turn out to be great. Anyone that knows you will tell you that you have one of the biggest hearts. I have seen prime examples of that all throughout my life.... Even when our family was struggling, you were always trying to figure out what could be done to help others. The fact that you are always putting others before dad and yourself is just one of the many things I love about you. You are one of the most unselfish people I know. You are constantly making sure Amber and I are happy and ok in life... You are the glue that holds our family together. And I know it doesn't always show but I am so glad you are my mom.. It feels good to have a mother that cares about our families well being as much as you do.

Thank you for always being here for me. Thank you for guiding me though life but allowing me to make my own choices. I know that I have strayed onto my own path and done things that you don't agree with... But I know I am a good person. And I know that best qualities in me are those I have gained from you and dad. I am happy with who I am. And I happy happy knowing that I have the best parents anyone could ask for.

I love you mamma! Happy Birthday!

Love always,

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