Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New in my world? Well lots actually! Life has been crazy busy for the past little while but I am loving it! Things are still going well with Cacey and me. So well that we have decided that I am going to move in there... Which really is not any different than it is right now, seeing that I have basically lived there since October... But we both feel it's a good idea. Mainly because marriage is such a big step. And I want to make sure that things will work out in the long run before I take that step. Things are allot different when you date someone with kids.... Dating Cacey is a completely new experience. I have never dating anyone like him. And I love him and I love his girls.. but if things were to go sour between us, I wouldn't be walking away from just him. I would walk away from his girls too! And I have faith in our relationship, but then again the only thing that is predictable in life is death itself! So we shall see ! I am really excited about it and so are the girls! Me and Cacey talked to the girls about it to make sure they would be ok with it....Rylee told me that the house is definitely going to be allot prettier now lol.. and Ariah just said.. So you are going to live here? Like full time??? LOL so I guess it's great to have both of their approvals! :)

Other than that we are just working on the house... I have been meaning to post pictures and I wish I would have taken before pictures but I didn't.. I know.. Shocking! But I will have to update with the progress thus far! We got the front yard looking really good! We ripped some trees down that were next to the front door! You would have never known there was a house behind them! lol. They were big ugly pine trees of some sort.. and then we have raked the yard and I have been planting flowers and what not! I love it! It's rewarding to see the hard work that you put into things!

In the back yard there are like a million leaves to rake up.. We have already raked up like 11 of the 55 gallon drum bags FULL of them! it is rediculous! And we still have half a yard left! cacey bought the house 2 years ago and the people there before him never did yard work! So the yard is in pretty bad shape! And last year he really only tackled the "needed" areas that were used allot! Which is completely understandable! It's been a looooong couple of weeks out side, but I am loving it!

Inside, the basement kitchen is almost finished! They are ready to sheet rock so that will be nice once that is done! Everything else is about lined up after that! But things have been going wrong or setting the time back so it's been a struggle there too! Some times it feels like nothing is getting done! But I know it has! And everything will happen and come together in time!

Me and Cacey at the Hockey Game

Ariah and KoKo at Chuck-E-Cheese

Jaxon and Tank playin.. Jaxon loves him! And Tank is really good with him.. Even though he is clumsy sometimes!

So that pretty much catches everyone up to speed! Life is good, love is great, and I am happy! :) I hope all is well with everyone and you have a beautiful day!

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