Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Dane Cookie Moment.

Usually I don't get bothered by what people say to me on the phone while at work... Most of the time I find it quite amusing when they lash out at me or get upset over things I have no control over... But today for some reason this woman just rubbed me the wrong way.... It reminded me allot of skit where Dane Cook talks about ordering a club sandwich from a restaurant and getting cut off by the waitress in mid sentence.

So I have taken the time to post the link below. Watch if you like, but I do warn you the footage is not great and it does have fowl language...

So here is my "Dane Cook" moment.....

" Good Afternoon Forestry Fire and State Lands, this is Nicole how can I help you?"..... " Yes this is ____ From _________ and I am trying to send you guys a check but I need to make sure I have the correct address..... There is a long pause. So I immediately begin to say "Ok it's ______ West _____ _____ Suite ____ " and get RUDELY INTERRUPTED by her saying "Why don't you just tell me if I DON'T have the right address!!!!" And then she proceeded to repeat the exact same address that I just said to her ...

Like Dane was... I was completely taken back... I was actually quite pissed. I didn't know what to say... I felt like my thought process had been ripped out of my head. I wanted to yell at her. And say "Excuse me BEAST... if you would have quit being such a hag and opened your ears and wouldn't have RUDELY INTERRUPTED ME.....You would have noticed that I stated the EXACT same address as you... BEFORRRRE you even opened your mouth!!!! Open your ears and not your mouth!"

But during these hard times and economic struggle.. I refrained and decided that having my job was more important that getting my ego back.....

Maybe it was just the way she said it.. It was so rude and it made me not like her. LOL .. Now if I ever meet her I am going to judge her base on our first encounter which I hate doing. But ya know, I believe in first impressions and I strongly believe in treating people (especially in a work environment) with total respect. Because that is how I want to be treated... She totally threw that out the door. maybe she had a bad day.. Or maybe she just has bad communications skills... Either way I hope she doesn't talk like that to everyone she is in contact with!

Thanks for letting me vent... Hope you all enjoy your day! :)


  1. Most people become significantly more rude on the phone, when they don't have to face the person they are treating like a computer.

    That being said, people can be straight up mean on the internet for that reason.

    What is Forestry Fire and State Lands? Is it a national park service?

    Thank you for your continued support on my blog. You are so sweet.

  2. People can be mean period. I wish I were quick on come backs because I always think of the best things to say once it's too late. That is life though I guess right? :)

    Forestry Fire and State Lands is a State Agency. We deal with all fires whether they are in the cities or wildland. We also reforest the moutains, or anywhere else that needs it and is state owned... I guess basically anything to keep the forests and soverign lands within the state healthy.

    Wow this was a good surprise for a Monday.. A shitty Monday at that. Thank you for taking the time to read something from my blog. It's nothing special. But it's mine I guess :)

    I truly do enjoy reading your blog. I think it's wonderful! And most days it is just what I need.

  3. I'm having a shitty Monday too. I hope yours gets better.

    Thank you for saying that about my blog. Your comments are always uplifting.

  4. Well I am sorry you are not having a good day either. But I am glad that I am not the only one.

    I only speak the truth. You really are wonderful and I love reading your posts... Even the posts from before I discovered you.

    I hope your day gets better.
