Thursday, January 28, 2010

Soulshine and sunshine

So today is absolutely beautiful! The sun is shining and the air is warmer than is has been in a while! I didn't take any pictures, but I put some one here that make me smile and remind me of the sunshine.

I call this one Soulshine.

Flaming Gorge

I am loving it! This weather is definitely what I needed to lift my mood up. I have been kind of down lately. Not sure why.. I mean I have a pretty great life. I have a wonderful family, a job with great benefits, a car, great friends, and an amazing boyfriend. I think it just might be because I am ready for a change of scene. I am ready to get out of town for a few days. And I really miss Chelsea. Even though we talk all the time, it's hard. And I know that it's part of life. And I am glad that she is up in Washington doing her own thing...I just miss the hugs and the memories we used to make on a daily basis.

Flaming Gorge Weekend trips!

Playing football in Alaska

Exploring Caves in Alaska!

People wonder how we can be so close and be so different.. And Sometimes I wonder myself. But then I remember that we have been there for one another through thick and thin for the past 13 years. And even though we are so different, we know and understand each other better than almost anyone. It seems like every time one of us is down the other is always there to pick up the mess... She is my twin soul :) and I couldn't ask for a better friend.

When she came home last I did realize how different our lifestyles are from one another these days... Me being in a relationship with someone who is older and has kids... I can't hang like I used to LOL. I am somewhat of an old lady these days... And she of course is still Chester... Still wild and crazy.. Hard on the exterior and a big ball of emotion on the inside :) ... But the fact that she never changes is one thing that I love most about her. She is a great friend and will always have a special place in my life.

I know that she will probably never read this.. But I want her to know that I couldn't picture my life with out her in it. She is a big part of who I am today. And I am so glad that I have a friend who can laugh with and at me and who will cry with me. Her leaving was one of the toughest things I have had to go through... But since she left.. I have realized now more than ever how grateful I am to have the one and only Chester as my best friend. There is not a day that goes by that I don't laugh because of something that reminds me of her. There really is no way to describe her other than... She is Chester lol. She has a sailors mouth, a punch that can make a grown man cry (I have seen it happen), a strut for any pair of heels, and the biggest heart ever. I hope she never changes. Because I love her just the way she is :)

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