Wednesday, January 27, 2010

lump in my throat

It’s one of those days where the feeling of un-appreciation causes you to get that lump in your throat that you feel will never go away. Where things working out against you cause your eyes to well up with tears… It’s one of those days for me when I feel like hiding out… Shutting myself off from the world so that I can think things through and just take time to truly be angry… I hate being angry. But I also can’t be happy all the time either... I know that is selfish and stupid… But sometimes I just can’t help but feel this way.

How do you turn things in your favor when you wish for them to be different? How do you get others to treat you the way you treat them? And if they don’t ever catch on to it.... Do you stop treating them that way? Do you treat them they way you feel they treat you? I mean why put others first in your life if they never take the time to notice… Or take the time to make you first in theirs right?

1 comment:

  1. yeah, I have had a few days like that of my own.. IDk Life is confusing!
