Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time for a NORMAL week!!!!!!!!

Oh man.... It's been a few days since I last wrote on here... But it has been a crazy couple of weeks. With everything that was going on at work a couple weeks back and then with the whole break up with Justin, I thought that I would be done with the out of the norm.... That was until Monday when I got some burley little rash on a couple places on my arms and hands. So I went to the Dr. that day since my boss's were freakin out.... (We had a scabies outbreak last year and all 150 fire fighters and a few other employees including myself all had to get checked and treated for them) Which was a pain since half of them were going out state on fires or had been out of state for a month and had to get checked anyways. I am almost positive we wiped out every pharmacy within the state for Scabies cream that week hahaha.... But any how... So I went and got checked and they said they were 99% sure it was chicken pox.... Which had me confused because I had already had them when I was younger. But I was reassured that you can get them multiple times since the virus always remains in your spinal chord. So they wrote me a Dr.'s note and I was told I was contagious and couldn't go to work for a week!!!!!!! A FREAKIN WEEK!!!!!!!! At first I was excited because I thought of it as a vacation.... But as soon as I got home I realized it was going to suck..... I didn't feel sick or anything so I was cooped up in the house for the most part. I did yard work, cleaned the house, made some blankets and pretty much tried to find anything I could do to keep busy..... It really wasn't fun! I missed work! I missed everyone at work! It's pretty sad actually.... I really don't know what I am going to do when I leave here! I can't even last a week without talking to people from here... How do I expect to last the rest of my life! :)

Any ways..... when I went in to the Dr. they took a test of the sore to make sure it was the Pox... But I didn't get a hold of them in time to find out if they were indeed the Chicken Pox.... So guess How mad I was yesterday when they called me back to tell me the tests came back NEGATIVE!!!!!!! Negative...... so that means, I missed a week of work, missed a gym session, and one of my best friends bachelorette party because the Dr. was 99% sure that my rash was the Chicken Pox.... I was a little peeved!!!!!!! OK... I was a lotta peeved!!! And even more pissed when I asked her what it could be.... like ring worm or something like that from touching the cats at work and the nurse told me "If it was ring worm she would have noticed."..... Really lady? Just like she noticed I had the Chicken Pox? hahaha ..... So that made for an interesting morning..... Oh well what can ya do?

So I am hoping that now things will go back to normal!!! It's time to get my life in check and back in the slow lane! Its been to wacky for me! So welcome back old life! I want to work my job, go to my sessions on normal days, not have weird rashes, and hang out with my friends, and be afraid to touch people in fear of what I called "spreading the love"

Its a beautiful week and I am ready to enjoy it! :) I hope you all do too!

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