Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The journey ahead!

So it's official.... I am temporarily getting a job in our up town office! Its been official for a few days now... But I was not allowed to say much until they told everyone about the retirement of the lady I will be replacing... I am really nervous/excited! I feel like its a whole new chapter in my book! A good way to get my foot in the door. And a good way to get a little more experience under my belt! I have been scared for a while as to whether or not I would find something... and it is true I guess... Good things do come to those who wait! Well... at least in this case. I have been hoping and trying to find something! And this position pretty much fell in my lap.... Its funny too because I have been told this whole time by certain people that I would have to find something for my self because the state doesn't care.... but I guess in this case its more that they want to help the ones that are trying to succeed as opposed to having things handed to them.... I know that doesn't make much sense... But its all I can say about that without saying too much.

Ya know... This whole process has really opened my eyes to the kind of person that I want to be. Or more so.. the kind of attitude I want to have. Being around so much pessimism and negativity all the time really brings ya down. And I have just had to keep telling myself to look at the bright side of things... Not only with my job but with everything in life. It really is amazing how just thinking about the good in things can really turn things around. For example...me and the whole job thing... Yeah I am losing my job... But at the same time at least I was lucky enough to have as much notice as I did. And yes it was stressful... But I look at all the people who are out of work and on welfare and then I don't feel so bad for myself anymore. Because its true....everyone is always fighting some kind of battle... And there is always someone out there who is worse off than you. And you just have to make the best of things. And really... I can only be grateful for the things that have come up in my life. Because not going through what I have, wouldn't have made me the person that I am today.

So here is to the road ahead... I know am going to have some difficult times. And I am going to have to look for the sunshine through the stormy skies, and get around the bumps in the road... But I know that the journey that is about to start, is going to be an important part in my life! And as scary as that sounds.... I can do nothing more than to sit back and smile.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Remember to think of the positive in things... There is always someone out there who is fighting a bigger battle... Besides the world is so much more beautiful when seen through a happy heart and sparkling eyes!

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