Monday, February 9, 2009

The weekend of Wisdom!

Well this past weekend was an interesting one. My weekend starts on Thursday since I work the glorious work schedule of the 4-10's for the state. So usually I spend time with Justin on the days I have off. Justin stayed at my house Thursday night because I had to take him to the doctor to get his wisdom teeth removed the next day. He was just soooo nervous! He worries about that kind of stuff... But lets face it... we all do. But he worries extra about everything that goes with it! He had all these plans of things he was going to do there... like try and be the patient that went the longest without passing out. His goal was 2 minutes but he didn't last longest than 20 seconds :).
Anyways, the surgery went really good. He only had 3 teeth come in and one they had to cut into a million pieces to get out because it was growing in weird. But the Dr. said he was one of the best patients they had ever had. I couldn't help but laugh though because he was being so funny when he was coming out of it! :) He just kept saying the funniest stuff and you could tell he was in his own little world! On the way out to his house he wanted me to give him a kiss but his mouth was just covered in blood because he had swallowed his gauze pads and was just spitting up blood. And I kept telling him " Babe I love you but that really makes me gag to think about because you have blood all over your mouth." So of course he didn't understand and got all sad and I finally gave in and just said "OK you can kiss my cheek." So he did and he got a little blood on my cheek from his lips. So when I showed him he tried to smudge it off... But it wasn't coming off. LOL .... SO then he kissed my finger and realized that he still had blood all over his mouth because when he looked at my fingers he noticed all the smudges on them from his lips and his eyes just got big and he tried to hide my hand.... Like I wasn't going to notice that one babe hahaha. Oh well I forgive him
I feel bad though because I know his mouth is hurting him! his cheeks were so big! He couldn't even shut his mouth all the way and when he talked he had a lisp. And I just smile every time I think about it because he reminded me so much of the little boy Ralphie from the movie the Christmas Story. LOL He just had these big puppy dog blue eyes and this puffy cheeks! So Cute! Too bad he wouldn't let me snap a picture of him!

Anyways just thought I would share that! I hope this week is a great one!


  1. Hey sis! Cute blog! I'll show you how to add friends, and change your background and stuff. It's pretty easy. I'm glad you finally got a blog! Now we can be bloggin buddies! Jaxon has been kicking me a lot the last couple of nights. That's when he is the most active - - right when I'm trying to sleep!

  2. I'm glad you have a blog!!

    Here's mine,

  3. Hey!! I'm glad you have a blog. It's kind of fun :)

  4. I forgot my blog is private, so email me your email and I'll send you an invite. my email is
