Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First blog

Well, today is officially the first time I am writing a blog. Not really sure of what is going to come of it but hopefully it will be somewhat entertaining to others! :) This week so far has been a good one! I got home from work on Monday after being in Grantsville all weekend and saw the parents! Its always nice to see them! Being gone alot always makes me realize how blessed I am to have such great parents! I also got the chance to hang out with my best friends Chelsea and Chy. Chelsea is the one friends that I have known the longest and the one that by far knows me better than anyone! Its always nice when we hang out because its just like old times! I guess after 12 years it shouldn't really be akward anymore... even if sometimes it is a while til we talk next. After all she is the friend that is pretty much "claimed under my parents taxes" because she just makes herself at home! But hey it goes both ways. Our families are each others families.
Yesterdayy I got to see my sister for a minute! :) Her belly is soooo cute and I can't wait for my nephew to get here! Everytime I see her I just wanna shake her belly so he will kick for me. But then he would probably get mad at me! And I want him to love me! Its weird because for a while it didn't really seem real to me that she was going to have a baby... But everytime I see her I just smile and get these huge butterflies because I can't wait! He is going to be the biggest stud and love me so much! :) We are going to be best buds... sorry Dusty!
Well now I am off to try and customize my blog... maybe I can figure out a way to make it all fancy like everyone else on here!

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