Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beautiful scenery, great company, and a lifetime of memories!!

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Alright everyone.. Time to write about the fun yet blistering hot weekend! This past weekend was great! I got to do so many fun things! And even though it was scorching hot... I survived and am proud to say that my skin is only some what crispy....

So on Friday my sister asked me to go with her and help out with Jax while she got her haid done... Just in case he started fussing while she was processing. Because if he did.. She would not have been able to hold him because of the chemicals... Any ways... So we all know by now that I am pretty much head over heels for Jaxon so of course I said yes. And he was so good! He slept almost the whole time! But I got to hold him for so long! :) And I got to take some way cute pictures!

Later that night I night I hung out with some old friends that I had not seen in a while. We had so much fun! And even though there was only a few of us, we had some great laughs! I can't wait to see them again this weekend!

Saturday was perfect!!! I went for an amazing little hike up at Alta Ski Resort and took some great pictures of wildflowers. We couldn't have asked for better weather! It had to only be like 80 degrees. And the sun was shining and the air was sooo fresh and clean! It was so relaxing to get away from the city and breath in the fresh air and take in the beautiful scenery with wonderful company! If felt nice to get out and feel the sun on my skin and not sweat to death!

And on Sunday my grandma threw a party for my Grandpa because he turned 80 the day before! Can you believe that?!! I hope I live to see as many things as he has. I know he will be around for a long time, but he has already lived such a great life, filled with so many memories and historical events! And he still looks just as handsome as ever!!!!

The party could not have been better! A bunch of their friends were there and the best part was.... I got to spend time with my whole family which was fantastic!!! It is really rare when we can all get together since part of the family lives in AZ. But when they are able to visit we have so much fun together! And I love the fact that as we get older, our bonds grow so much stronger!

I could not be happier with how great my weekend was! I feel so blessed to have made so many beautiful memories with everyone that is most important to me! I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week filled with great memeories! I hope you all get out to breath some fresh air and take the time to notice some of the little things that make this world we live in the beautiful place that it is! I know that I will be doing just that!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jax in White! :)

So the weekend for me was great...Eventful and busy but great! The main thing that I was looking forward to though was the blessing of my nephew! It was exciting for me! And it was pretty crazy to. As soon as Dusty start the prayer, my eyes just started watering like crazy. It was not tears of sadness or tears of hope for him to be a certain way when he gets older. It was more of just all of my love for him just kind of poured out! And the thing that struck me the most was.... As soon as the prayer ended... so did my tears. It was almost like a faucet... Explain that one to me.

He is such an amazing little guy and I love him so much! I know he will grow up to do so many great things! I can already tell just by how he is now! His personality already shines through like you wouldn't believe! He is so strong and stubborn. But he is also so sweet and loving to everyone. And he is just so attentive to everyone and anything. When you hold him he just locks eyes with you. Its almost like he is studying you! I love it!!!! I think he definitely has a little of both of his parents in him!

So in honor of the blessing yesterday... Here are a few of my favorites that I took! I love the Buddha belly one's and the one with his little hands by his tux. But my all time favorite one is the close up with the bink in his mouth!

I love you Jax! And I can't wait to be there for you as you go through life! I can't wait to cover you in kisses and pass on some of my traits to you! You will be my little art student whether Dustin and Amber want you to or not!

I can't wait to see how bit you have gotten the next time I see you! Love you!

Enjoy the beatiful day everyone!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Ok... So today I have been craving cornbread! And I don't even know how i got on that kick. All the sudden it popped in my head and my mouth began to water... So immediately I began looking on the Internet for anywhere that sounded like they had cornbread. I thought of Diamond Lil's because they are right next to my building...Went there and NOPE they don't have it.... So then I was told to go to KFC... Well they don't have it either anymore!!! What the heck right?!!! So if anyone has any suggestions on where I can get some delicious cornbread... Let me know!

Aside from that.... I got to see my nephew last night!!! Wahoo!!! And he is so dang cute that I can barely stand it! he doesn't seem to like me as much as he used to. But I wasn't able to see him for 2 weeks from being sick and then going on vacation. So i guess I understand a little bit. But we are going to get him back to the way it used to be! ..... Oh and he is getting blessed this Sunday and I can not wait! He is going to look so cute! I saw his outfit last night and it is adorable! But I am a little curious to see how he reacts when they put the shoes on him. He hated them yesterday so it could be interesting. One of those "bust out the ear plug" days :) Either way he will look so cute and it will be a special moment for me!

I had to post a picture of him in this outfit that I bought for him! It was taken a few weeks ago and I stole it off my sisters blog... But i had to have a picture of it. Because when i saw it and saw that it said "Beep Beep" it made me laugh. So yeah there is a picture of my most handsome nephew Jaxon in the pimp beep beep outfit that I got him!

Enjoy the day! Its so nice outside!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I came across a quote today that I really liked. So I have decided to share it with you.

Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Verities and Realities of your Existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!
Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!

- Kalidasa -

Reflect on the yesterdays and envision tomorrow as you would like it to go.... but no matter what greet everyday with a smile..... We make our own lives. So why not make it just a little bit sweeter. A world seen through eyes of optimism can make even the worst of days seem better.

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The rain on my parade!

Ok Peeps... I am a little bummed that I just got back from lunch and actually got a tan on my legs in the process! Today is soooo perfect! Too perfect to be cooped up in an office! A guy walked passed me as I was sitting in the back of my jeep with my pant legs rolled up and the hatch lifted and said "It's not the beach but it'll do".... and I just thought.... "Aawww I wanna be at the beach right now!" ....Damn you stranger! Way to rain on my parade of the day! I was not even thinking about any of that until he sad that! ........But instead I replied "yeah its going to have to do!" It's ridiculous! Too bad I already used up a butt load of leave last week... Other wise I would be takin some time off today just to catch some rays and take a nap in the sunshine with the breeze blowin by.... Sounds amazing doesn't it?

Have a wonderful day! Enjoy the rays while you can!

Monday, July 6, 2009

From sunrises to sunsets and all the memories in between!

Seattle was the perfect antidote for letting some stress out. I needed it so bad! It felt so good to get away to a stress free environment and see the beauty that Washington has to offer! I love it there! I kept telling everyone that I felt like Thumblina! Because everywhere you look you are surrounded by trees. Its breath taking!

This trip was filled with so many great memories that I will remember for the rest of my life! I will never forget having the opportunity to go to Pikes Market, the Space Needle, The coast and feeling the sand in between my toes and I collected sand dollars. Nor will I be able to replace the late night heart to hearts with the last of the bunch from that night. Or the laughs and smiles that were gained! I feel so blessed to have had the chance to be with such wonderful people for so long! And I can not wait to go back and visit the next time! I hope you all enjoy the pictures! There were so many to choose from! And there is a story behind every single one!
So here are some pictures of the trip... There will be more to come!

Have a beautiful day! And remember that your smile could make some one's day!

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