Thursday, May 28, 2009

Goodbye Lone Peak... Helloooo Uptown!

Today is a sad, yet good day for me! Its my last day working at Lone Peak where I have been for almost 3 years. I am happy to move forward in my life! Because I know that it will be a good experience and the beginning to a whole new chapter! But also sad to end this one.

I hope everyone at Lone Peak knows how much I appreciate having the chance to have them in my life! Because I don't think I will ever be able to express how much joy working here has brought into it! I could have been having the worst day in the world and one of them would walk in and all they had to do was smile and my whole attitude would change! It's nice to be surrounded by positive people! ....And they always told ME that it's nice that I always have a smile on my face... But honestly, it's not hard when I wake up in the morning and love what I do and love the people that I work with! I have made some really great friendships and learned so much while working here! And even though each person here is so different than one another, their attitudes are all the same. I never really noticed until now how great of an impact working here has had on me. From my attitude, to my health, to just my outlook on things. I have learned that hard work will get you a long way... You can excel beyond the limit! I look at them, and they are constantly pushing themselves to be better... to be the best! And I really admire that. I have learned that my health is important and should be taken seriously. Seeing them be active and eat the way they do made me finally get that extra "shove" to do it for myself. And I went beyond my expectations. I never thought I would have been able to lose 85 pounds and fit into a smaller size than I was at the age of 15. I did it on my own. But they were a big part of my motivation! I have learned that I am the only one that can make my life what it is. That I can not wait for opportunities to arise....But probably the most important thing I learned while working here is that I am the only one that can decide on my own happiness and well being. I have made some poor choices in life... But I have also made some great one's too. And venturing out to work here was one of the greatest decisions of all. Because while being here and having the opportunity to get to know them, has been an important part of the person that I have transitioned into. I honestly don't know where I would be if I decided not to apply here. I would like to say I would be somewhat of the person that I am now... But then again, I really don't think I would be.

So thank you guys for all that you have done for me! Thank you for all the smiles and happiness that you have given me! I am so blessed to have had you be a small part of my life for this long! And to have built the friendships and the bonds with you that I have. And not only will I miss you... But I will miss doing your paper work, running your errands, and pretty much anything else you ask me to do too :) Because knowing that I could help you out.... Helped me in more way than I thought was possible.
And I know that most of you don't look at your job as heroic... But I know that since I have worked here, I have gained a whole new outlook on what you do! Because I know the type of people that you are and the heart that each of you have... I know that without even thinking... if you were put in the position, any of you would risk your life to save the life of another. I see the great teachers that each of you are and the respect that your crews have for you. Because you provide them with the skills needed for them to stay safe and excel above and beyond all limits! So that to me is a hero! And I am so glad that I got the chance to work for the best of the best!

But now, I must say goodbye! And move on to a new adventure! :) But you will always be MY BOYS!!!! Have a great season filled with lots of fire! I know you will own the season just like always because here at LP that's how we do it! "Go big or go home!!" And if it isn't filled with fire soon enough let me know.... I will see what I can do ;)

I love you all and I will miss you!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The journey ahead!

So it's official.... I am temporarily getting a job in our up town office! Its been official for a few days now... But I was not allowed to say much until they told everyone about the retirement of the lady I will be replacing... I am really nervous/excited! I feel like its a whole new chapter in my book! A good way to get my foot in the door. And a good way to get a little more experience under my belt! I have been scared for a while as to whether or not I would find something... and it is true I guess... Good things do come to those who wait! Well... at least in this case. I have been hoping and trying to find something! And this position pretty much fell in my lap.... Its funny too because I have been told this whole time by certain people that I would have to find something for my self because the state doesn't care.... but I guess in this case its more that they want to help the ones that are trying to succeed as opposed to having things handed to them.... I know that doesn't make much sense... But its all I can say about that without saying too much.

Ya know... This whole process has really opened my eyes to the kind of person that I want to be. Or more so.. the kind of attitude I want to have. Being around so much pessimism and negativity all the time really brings ya down. And I have just had to keep telling myself to look at the bright side of things... Not only with my job but with everything in life. It really is amazing how just thinking about the good in things can really turn things around. For and the whole job thing... Yeah I am losing my job... But at the same time at least I was lucky enough to have as much notice as I did. And yes it was stressful... But I look at all the people who are out of work and on welfare and then I don't feel so bad for myself anymore. Because its true....everyone is always fighting some kind of battle... And there is always someone out there who is worse off than you. And you just have to make the best of things. And really... I can only be grateful for the things that have come up in my life. Because not going through what I have, wouldn't have made me the person that I am today.

So here is to the road ahead... I know am going to have some difficult times. And I am going to have to look for the sunshine through the stormy skies, and get around the bumps in the road... But I know that the journey that is about to start, is going to be an important part in my life! And as scary as that sounds.... I can do nothing more than to sit back and smile.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Remember to think of the positive in things... There is always someone out there who is fighting a bigger battle... Besides the world is so much more beautiful when seen through a happy heart and sparkling eyes!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grand Prix

So I have been living life in the fast lane lately and its been going good! With work being crazy and life in general... its been good to keep my mind face paced! I might have job here soon working in the uptown office... Which if that goes through would be fantastic! But if not... I guess I will have other opportunities.... So much has been going on though that I have been forgetting to write on here! Last week was nuts! But the weekend sure paid off!

On Friday I went to this fancy restaurant called Donovan's uptown with a friend. He installs the kitchenware in restaurants and he did the work in that one. So on the opening night he along with the people who did work in there and one guest all got to eat there for free. So he asked me to go! And I was so excited he wanted me to! It was so much fun! Just to talk and relax and eat good food was so relieving! Donovan's is a lot different than any place I had ever been! I got to wear a cocktail dress and eat a 4 course meal and it was all free! And I was glad because I would have felt bad if he paid for what we ate....It would have been over $100.00 just for the main course and the appetizer! I wish I had the money to eat there all the time! :) Its was sooo good!

I had to post a picture of the dress because when I was trying to explain it to Cam (the date) I told him it was a cocktail dress.. So he pictured black but I told him cheetah print because I didn't know how to spell leopard on my text lol... So I had to try and explain it so he knew it was not trashy.. because when I think leopard print... I usually think trashy... Well when I say leopard print dress... So here is the proof that NO is was not trashy! :)

On Sunday I went to the Grand Prix races out at the Larry H. Miller track in Tooele! It was a girls trip.. Me Chels, Jaycee and Chelsea's aunt Deanie from Seattle all went! It was awesome! Chelsea works for Larry H. Miller Subaru and got free tickets! They were like $55.00 a piece that was pretty sweet! I have never been to anything like that either so I was even more thrilled to go! And as soon as we got there, we saw some guys that I work with so we sat by them! Which I am glad we did or I would not have had a clue what was going on! :) They explained everything to me! But I think they enjoyed our company! We had some good laughs! I wanna go to the one next year and the one after that! It was just a fun atmosphere! I loved looking at all the cars and their trailers... And I loved hearing them scream around the corner! We sat in the best spot too! It was right at the long stretch so you could hear them shift and then scream off at top speed! Oh and did I mention that the weather was beautiful!!!? I will have to post pictures of it when I get them!

Well to everyone who is stuck at work! Enjoy the day and try to enjoy the weather later! I know I will :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jaxon Hungry!

I just wanted to tell everyone how excited I am for my new nephew Jaxon to be born! He is due on the 9th of June and I can't wait! Its crazy how fast it has been coming up now! Because for the longest time it didn't seem like he was ever going to be here. But the more I see my sisters belly and feel him roll around and kick I get the biggest butterflies! :)

I went over to Amber and Dusty's last night and helped my sister and mom put the nursery together while my dad and Dusty put the butt changing table together. And it was a lot of fun! But a lot of work.... And I didn't even do that much! But doing that, made me wanna meet him even more! I really can't wait! I already love him so much and he isn't even here yet! He is going to be my little buddy! :) I can't wait to hold him and teach him to color and sing to him and teach him cool hand shakes and take him to the park and the zoo and just borrow him when I decided I want a kid...( I figure it's about the best form of birth control ever! :) ). So I hope that he is ready for the time of his life when comes out! Because I plan on becoming his new best friend! And I hope he knows how much I love him already! :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! I know I will!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time for a NORMAL week!!!!!!!!

Oh man.... It's been a few days since I last wrote on here... But it has been a crazy couple of weeks. With everything that was going on at work a couple weeks back and then with the whole break up with Justin, I thought that I would be done with the out of the norm.... That was until Monday when I got some burley little rash on a couple places on my arms and hands. So I went to the Dr. that day since my boss's were freakin out.... (We had a scabies outbreak last year and all 150 fire fighters and a few other employees including myself all had to get checked and treated for them) Which was a pain since half of them were going out state on fires or had been out of state for a month and had to get checked anyways. I am almost positive we wiped out every pharmacy within the state for Scabies cream that week hahaha.... But any how... So I went and got checked and they said they were 99% sure it was chicken pox.... Which had me confused because I had already had them when I was younger. But I was reassured that you can get them multiple times since the virus always remains in your spinal chord. So they wrote me a Dr.'s note and I was told I was contagious and couldn't go to work for a week!!!!!!! A FREAKIN WEEK!!!!!!!! At first I was excited because I thought of it as a vacation.... But as soon as I got home I realized it was going to suck..... I didn't feel sick or anything so I was cooped up in the house for the most part. I did yard work, cleaned the house, made some blankets and pretty much tried to find anything I could do to keep busy..... It really wasn't fun! I missed work! I missed everyone at work! It's pretty sad actually.... I really don't know what I am going to do when I leave here! I can't even last a week without talking to people from here... How do I expect to last the rest of my life! :)

Any ways..... when I went in to the Dr. they took a test of the sore to make sure it was the Pox... But I didn't get a hold of them in time to find out if they were indeed the Chicken Pox.... So guess How mad I was yesterday when they called me back to tell me the tests came back NEGATIVE!!!!!!! Negative...... so that means, I missed a week of work, missed a gym session, and one of my best friends bachelorette party because the Dr. was 99% sure that my rash was the Chicken Pox.... I was a little peeved!!!!!!! OK... I was a lotta peeved!!! And even more pissed when I asked her what it could be.... like ring worm or something like that from touching the cats at work and the nurse told me "If it was ring worm she would have noticed."..... Really lady? Just like she noticed I had the Chicken Pox? hahaha ..... So that made for an interesting morning..... Oh well what can ya do?

So I am hoping that now things will go back to normal!!! It's time to get my life in check and back in the slow lane! Its been to wacky for me! So welcome back old life! I want to work my job, go to my sessions on normal days, not have weird rashes, and hang out with my friends, and be afraid to touch people in fear of what I called "spreading the love"

Its a beautiful week and I am ready to enjoy it! :) I hope you all do too!