Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Ok Ok... So I plan on telling about my week of Christmas festivities. But Cacey has my camera and I would be bothered with not being able to share the photos from the many events that took place. SO I am going to hold off on that....

This week has been a good one for me. I have been staying at Cacey's house tending his brothers dog while he and Dallas go back to California to pack up Dallas's things. He is going to move here for a while until he gets things in order. I am excited! I met his brother for the first time the day before Christmas and he is a great guy! We get along really well and his dog is the new love of my life! :) She is a Pit bull and she is the biggest sweet heart! We have been cuddle buddies for the past couple of days. She just follows me around the house while I do laundry and clean up... Then she looks up at me like "will you please just stop and come and lay with me on the couch" or at least that is how I interpret it... So I do just that!

I used to think that Pit bulls were mean... But now more than ever I am a believer that it is the owner that makes them that way. Because she wouldn't hurt a fly!

Cacey and Dallas should be back late tonight! Which I am excited for because even though they left Sunday, I do miss him like crazy... How pathetic is that LOL... Oh well... What can I say... Just love struck and lucky to have him! <3

I am sure that even after they come back I will still get to play with Teva. I told Cacey he has officially been replaced by her lol... It's so not true, but pretty dang close!

Well time to get off now. So until the next posting I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Love, Nicki

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So this past weekend was a blast! Cacey had his girls so I spent the majority of it with them... It was kind of like a marathon for me lol... Got a little Christmas shopping done on Friday morning then I got to spend the afternoon with my favorite person in the world :) My nephew!

Saturday I went to a baby shower for a girl at my work! had allot of fun there... Then off I went back to West Jordan to hang with Cacey and the girls. We went over to his dad's house because the girls got went to a birthday party there. Then we went to Walmart to get stuff to make Gingerbread cookies... I have been obsessed with the idea pretty much all month long. And have been determined to make them with the girls. But we ran out of time, since it was getting late and the girls were tired from playing all day... So we postponed it til the next time he has them.

Sunday started pretty early. We had a brunch at Cacey's brothers house. I thought there were going to be allot more people there. But it turned out to just be Mikes kids, Cacey's parents and the girls. It was allot of fun. Mike had a friend in town so we were all over there to meet him. We ate the most amazing breakfast casserole! Cacey's mom and I both insisted we got the recipe so we could make it again... Or at least attempt to! :)

That afternoon we went on a wild goose chase all around Jordan Landing to find some Artichoke dip. That is what he was told by his dad's fiance to bring to the Hall Christmas party later that night... I was told not to let him forget... And I did... Oops! We did find some though! Thank you Sams Club!!!! :) So while Cacey and his dad shopped around there gathering all of their items up, Rylee and I went around and ate our "lunch" from all the sample tables... Don't worry.. We weren't stingy. We always took Ariah one back!

The Hall family Christmas party was a blast! He has a really wonderful family! They were all so nice to me. I had to give Cacey a little crap because though because some people didn't really know how to ask who I was... One of his uncles says across the room "Cacey who is this that is next to you?" "This is my girlfriend Nicki" With a surprised and humiliated face he replies "Oh...oh ok... Well uh.. it's nice to meet you!" I just smiled politely and chuckled and replied "you too" ....... But then I couldn't help myself and I leaned over to Cacey and quietly said "If I was not your girlfriend who would I be.. The nanny?!" Cacey thought it was quite funny... Almost as much as I did.....

The girls had a blast too! There were lots of cousins for them to play with! AND his aunt Pam found some guy on KSL to come and play Santa and bring them all a little gift... And the LOVED IT! I mean what kid doesn't love presents!

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All in all the Christmas party along with the weekend was a hit for me! I really enjoyed it all! I love his family and meeting new family members! It's kind of funny because even those that are not from the Hall side tell me I fit the "Hall" family because I have long blond hair and a pretty smile! And all the aunts and uncles at the party were telling me to have Cacey keep me... All I could think of was "Well I hope he does." .... What else do you say to that at the spur of the moment LOL.....

I hope you all have a great week and enjoy the holiday season! It has been a great one for me! And it is already filled with so many memories!

Until next time, keep warm! :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cacey <3

Today is Cacey's birthday! :) It's crazy to think that we are still going strong... Who would have thought that things would actually work out between us. I remember how scared I was to even think of the possibility when we were first talking. I didn't think that my family would ever be ok with it since he is so much older and has 2 kids. But, it turns out that they love him as much as I do. And I couldn't be happier! :)

So in honor of his birthday I am going to list 36 things about him that I love.

1. The dimples on his cheeks that show even when he isn't trying :)
2. The fact he has had a job in almost every single trade!
3. I love that he is close to his family and talks to his parents and sees them on a regular basis. Family is important to me so I feel blessed to finally share that with someone else.
4. The fact that he loves my best friend almost as much as I do. He doesn't make me choose between him and my friends.
5. How he can tell if something is bothering me.
6. And that he actually takes the time to figure out what it is that is bothering me... Even if it takes all day or night.
7. He gets my hints when I want him to tickle my back :) and he does it with a smile on his face and never complains.
8. He is calm. Therefore we even each other out because I have a high case of anxiety all the time.
9. he is an amazing father. He would do anything for his girls. They literally melt his heart.
10. He can fix a car! I used to worry about that! But now that I am with someone who actually knows what the engine of a car looks like.... It's such a relief!
11. I love this one... I think it's crazy/great that he bought his first truck at 16 from my dad! I don't know of anyone that has a story like that... We go back further than this year! :)
12. Or that his parents still live in the house they bought when he bought my dad's truck... Which just happens to be at the end of our old West Jordan neighborhood.... I still smile every time I pass our old house.
13. He is honest. His life has always been an open book for me and my family. He is not afraid to tell people about his life.
14. We have a trusting relationship. We don't question each other because we have no need to.
15. He loves to cook and is good at it! When we first started dating he made me Portobello Mushrooms, a juicy steak, and a salad.... My mouth still waters at that thought! It was sooo good!
16. Even though he hates my hip hop he will still listen to it... for a while at least!
17. He let me put up all the Christmas decorations that I wanted even though he is a scrooge :)
18. He lets me turn his kitchen into an art studio to do projects with Ariah and Rylee :)
19. I love laying on the couch in comfys while we watch a movie, with his arm around my shoulder.
20. He has become one of the best things in my life.
21. He encourages me to be a better person. And motivates me to achieve goals.
22. He makes me think about my life in a different way.
23. He is completely selfless. He is concerned about the happiness of everyone he loves most in his life.
24. He is someone that I can confide in whole heartedly.
25. I love the fact that we can talk for hours on end about nothing at all.
26. He has amazing eye lashes! :)
27. He is the best friend I could ask to be in love with!
28. He brings out the best in me.
29. He loves me unconditionally.
30. He has been there for me when I needed someone most.
31. He gave me all the time in the world to open up completely to him.
32. How well he takes "old age" jokes when I crack them :)
33. The way his face lights up when his daughters do or say something that touches him.
34. He makes me laugh and smile on a daily basis.
35. When he kisses me on my forehead, I can feel how much he loves me.
36. He has helped me realize that you don't need someone in your life to be
complete. But that it makes things sweeter when it is shared with someone else.

I know that some of those things sound like they are really nothing at all. But to me, it's the simple things about our relationship that I love most. I have told him before that I am not sure if I can say that I have never loved anyone as much as I do him... Because love comes and goes. And in the beginning stages we say that every time. " I have never loved someone this much." But what I do know is that I have finally found someone that loves me the way that I have always wanted. I have now found the love that I have been looking for. He makes me happy and has from day one. I love every minute that I spend with him and his girls. They have all grown to be one of the most amazing things to come into my life. I remember how scared I was to tell other's about him at first. But in the end what it boils down to is that he makes me happy. I don't think anyone could want anything less for someone that they care about.

I am so thankful to have him as a part of my life. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to start a new chapter with. He brings out the best in me and drives me to be a better person! He is completely selfless and has so much love to give to others! I hope one day I will be able to express to him exactly how much he means to me.

Happy Birthday Cacey! Thank you for just being you and allowing me to share a life with you! I love you and I hope you have a great day today! <3 Muah!

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tis the Season!

Oh my how time flies! I can't believe that it's already December! It seems like just a month ago it was Summer... But I am so glad that it is the Holiday Season! I love this time of year! I am in the best mood! I love everything about Christmas (other than the tight wallet :) )

Thanksgiving was so great! I got to spend it with Cacey! We went to 3 different houses.We were hoping for 4. But didn't make it to his dad's unfortunately until a couple days later. I did however get to meet his Grandma Hall along with one aunt and uncle and their kids! They were all so welcoming to me. And I felt completely comfortable with them. I hope I get the chance to see them again soon! We also visited Deb/"momma #2" and the family from her side... That is what I call her. :) She is his dad's ex wife but she has been around for so long that Cacey and his girls are still really close to her. I think it's great! She has such a great heart and the girls and Cacey think the world of her! The last stop of the evening was my house! I was so glad that he got to be with some of my family on Thanksgiving with me. That is something that my past boyfriend would never do. So I am so grateful that I have a boyfriend who understands how important it is to me that he interacts with my family. It really meant allot to have him there!

On Black Friday I did a little shopping and got about half of my list done! I saved a little money so I was happy about that!!!! Saturday Cacey's girls came back from their mom's house. So me being the Christmas decoration freak that I am pretty much forced Cacey to put up his Christmas tree so we could decorate it! :) He was a trooper that he is (and after 3 hours of rearranging living room furniture) set it up! We didn't actually decorate it until Sunday because his brother turned 40 and was having a birthday.. So we went up there that night! It was fun though! And the girls were OK with waiting until Sunday to decorate! The tree turned out to be really pretty! :) It makes me smile to see it lit up! And even tho Cacey is a scrooge I know he enjoys it too....

Other than that not much has been going on! I have started doing some art projects and have really been enjoying it! I forgot how great of an escape art was for me. I hope I stick with it and really get some things going again!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :) I know that I will!
