Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Chase

"Let them chase you." ... That always seems to be the comment I get from others when I become interested in someone. I don't know why, but I don't feel like it should be about anyone chasing anyone. Life is too short to wait to be chased. I know I am 23, but I feel much older than I am. 

I feel like waiting for someone to chase me, isn't the correct interpretation of who I am. I want the person I end up with to know me as I am, good traits and bad. Sure, maybe they will pull away, in most cases that happens at some point. But to me, being honest up front is the best way to start a relationship because it shows who you are from the very beginning.

Why pretend that you aren't interested in someone if you truly are? Why play hard to get? Sure, I get it.... "Make them want you. Make them see that you are worth chasing"... I just don't feel that its for me. I know I who I am. I know I am worth it.

I hope for someone to love me just like the rest of this world does, I just don't feel I need to put myself  on the back burner in the mean time to do so.

Love for me will come. It will come when its the right time.. (If the right time even exists). When it does, I will embrace it, on my terms. But I refuse to sit here and play a game of cat and mouse to "bait" a man to walk into my life.

Love me as I am, and in return I will do the same. The most beautiful things in life develop naturally, so why shouldn't the most beautiful feeling we as humans feel develop the same way?

Let it be, love will come on it's own terms...And when it does embrace the possibilities.


1 comment:

  1. You're the only one who knows what works for you. Follow your heart & do what feels right... I say make a guy date you, make him call you first, make him make the move. That way you know he is with you because he wants to be not because your conveniently always at his beck and call.. With that being said once he does make that move respond as you feel is right :) That always worked for me. But like I said everyone is different do what works for you! Follow your heart.. Love your post BTW!
