Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Making things and making memories!

So I have been trying to upload some pictures of the crafts I have been doing lately.. but I got a new camera for Christmas (thanks to my lover :) ) and now I can't figure out how to upload them... The programs are different on my computer than they used to be! But I will post them soon!

I have been crafting allot! Reading blogs about crafts and projects has really been inspiring.. I have tried 4 new things! And I love them all! :)

Other than crafting my life has consisted of getting ready to go to Washington to see my best friend! :) Cacey bought me a plane ticket to see her for Christmas and I leave tomorrow afternoon! I can't even wait! I am so stinkin' excited! I miss her so much! We haven't seen each other since September and I have really been missing her! It will be nice to be our silly selves for a weekend! And it will be even better because I will actually get to see some REAL WASHINGTON WEATHER! It's supposed to rain the whole time I am there... And every time I have been there, it has never rained lol.. Kinda weird right?

Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

xoxo- Nicki

This is one of my favorite pictures of us. It was taken on her birthday Sept. 4th of O9.. We drove up the Oregon coast on our way to Washington when she was moving there.

Playing cards outside in the "Crispin Cantina" (Her aunts patio)

Her birthday present from me. The dots on the wings represent how old the other was when we met.

The 3 Muskateers!

Best Friends Forever

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