Thursday, January 27, 2011

Projects Projects Projects!

I thought I would post some pictures of crafts projects I have done because of the inspiration of others.

The first project I tried were some cork boards that I bought from the D.I. I got the idea from a blog (If you go there and look around you will not be disappointed! I promise!) ... Anyways, I did a cork board for both Ariah and Rylee. It was my first time doing something like this so I was a little skeptical at first. But I was pleased with the out come!

I like how the cork board turned out to look like an old worn out chalk board. By
that I mean black with white blotchy spots. I used white Krylon Primer as the base coat and then once that dried I went over it with a coat of black krylon. For the push pins I found some colorful buttons and hot clued them on to the end to give the board a little bit of color. I think all together I only spent about $16. And that was only because I didn't have any supplies on hand, other than the puzzle glue and the tin foil.

Forgive me now that you can't see the details very well! It's hard to with the flash of the camera and BRIGHT PINK walls!

My next project was making pillows for the girls! I have never really sewn before and after looking at all the blogs with crafty sewing projects I decided to attempt it! So I borrowed my sisters sewing machine and went to town!

This one is Rylees! She is 10 and LOVES bright colors!

This one is Ariah's who is 5! She decided recently that she no longer loves pink. She now loves Black, Purple, Red, and Green... But hey I tried... I like this one because the flowers were a fun project to make!

My next project also came from the D.I. I bought a couple of picture frames there unsure of what I was going to do with them. But when I got done with the pillows and ran in to a little problem I came up with this next idea!

Cute right? :) Originally with the left over fabric from the pillows I was going to make them letter pillows for their bed. But after I had cut out the "R" pattern and sewed them almost together.. I realized that the letter was too skinny. There was no way I was going to be able to turn it in side out and stuff it... So when I got home, I looked through my craft supplies and got the bright idea to turn it into a dragon fly! :) I love it! (mainly because I love dragonflies) But I also love the contrast that the tinfoil/antiqued back gives it. I took out the glass and spray painted the frame whit to make it pop!

Ariah's took FOR.EV.ERRR!!!! I had stitch that beast! I cut out the wing details and hand stitched them on there! and before I sewed everything together, I added some material in the wings to make them pop out! So just like Rylee's, it is 3 dimensional as well! With that frame I did the tin foil back, but I spray painted it white. I think it turned out awesome and really makes the butterfly pop! The frame was just spray painted black and then I used sand paper to distress it.

The total cost for that project was $2 because I already had all the supplies except for the frames (Which I had gotten at the D.I.)

The last project I have been working on has been a group effort! I saw this idea on a blog a couple months ago and I instantly fell in love. I love love the look of it and the idea is so clever! The bottles that I did are for my friend, but I am going to do many more sets! I like the white bottles, they make the chalk board paint pop! So if you want to see what I am talking about, I am in love!

Well everyone, I guess it's time for me to go now. I apologize if the links don't work.. I haven't really figured out how to make it so you can just click on it. If anyone does, I would appreciate some lessons! I hope everyone has a great day!

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