Thursday, February 18, 2010


Happy Birthday Bitty!!!! I can't believe we are so old?!!!! :) It's crazy to me to think that we have been around each other for so long... And even through our falling outs.. We have managed to make some great memories that I am sure we will still talk about when we are 80! So in honor of you on your birthday I have taken the time to jot down some of the things that I will always remember .. and things that I am truly grateful for! :)

1. It’s a given…The wonderful candy sales where your mom lost money and we gained because we undersold everything! LOL
2. Dusk til Dawn.. I will never forget the year my allergies were out of control and I got that horrible bloody nose and my make up was running like crazy so I looked like I got punched in the face right before we drove into the lot!
3. The time you called Zack after we broke up and told him how big of a piece of crap he was for cheating on me.
4. Building a fort next to the Bluffdale house.
5. Locking me in the basement and telling me that the kid who murdered his step mom and sister next door was going to get me.
6. Making me watch the Changeling… I still hate looking in bathtubs late at night because of you…. Oh and I am still afraid of the dark.
7. Seeing the picture fly off your bedroom wall and hit the closet.. Yes Sheila J your house really IS haunted.
8. Doing cart wheels on the lawn at night in the Taylorsville house.
9. Listening to ICP on the way to a football game.. Your mom was horrified lol.
10. Hanging out with you the summer before I went to high school In some ways I wish I would have decided to go to Grantsville with you, but in other ways I am glad I didn’t.
11. The famous Cabbage patch moment lol… If you would have given me the doll back like I asked.. I wouldn’t have squirted you in the ears! And it would have saved me a beating from my parents!
12. The airport… enough said lol
13. Going to Kid Depo (AKA hell) with you. I don’t know what I would have done if I had to experience that alone. LOL
14. When we got the comb stuck in my bangs right before the Fun Dome… I looked like an idiot when I had to chop them off to get the comb out!
15. Trying Sushi with you for my first time! Cacey and I still owe you!
16. Singing songs to our moms on Mothers Day. Or harmonizing together when we’d sit in the hot tub LOL
17. Trick or Treating with you all those years.. It didn’t matter if it was in Grantsville or Salt Lake; we always had a great time!
18. Having heart to hearts…. We never really did until we were out of high school. But they are still some of the best conversations and I will remember them forever.
19. Going to bond fires in the old cattle yard with all the football players.
20. The day trip to Wendover.
21. Playing in the irrigation water at the Duplex.
22. Getting baby sat at grandma’s making flower arrangement and pushing each other around on the tricycle and in the wheelchair lol. I just talked about that with her the other day and she said she was always so embarrassed that someone would see us and recognize us as her grandchildren.

There are so many great memories Brit! I could make a list for days. But I guess the main point of this list was to show you how blessed I feel to have someone in my life for as long as you have been. We were inseparable when we were little. And though there have been some bad times… There have been so many good. Thank you for always being my protector, and my best buddy. Thank you for always sticking up for me and being on my side no matter what. You have been there for me through the roughest times in life and that is something that I am truly grateful for. I miss seeing you as much as I did when we were little. And when we have kids I hope they can be as close and you and I have been all these years.… We always talked about that…

I hope you have a great day. And I hope you know that no matter how distant we become I will always love you and cherish the memories that we have.

Happy Birthday!

Love always,
Your baby cousy

1 comment:

  1. Nicki- I love you. Reading all of those memories made my day. I just wanted to take a min to tell you how much I love u and how much u mean to me. You have such a big heart and you are by far the most caring person I know. I am so thankful I have had you in my life...... No not just because you have saved me the embarrasment of turning in my own art work. Or because when ever I plan too much or get in a mess, you are there to help me clean it up:). I am thankful for you just being you. Whenever I have been down or neec help in my life it's YOU who is there to help me through anything I need, with out any questions. U are seriously my very best friend and u have been since we were 6 months old. I can't think of a single person besides you that I oils spend every summer day with and not ever get sick of u. In high school we went our seperate ways both thinking we knew everything about life...... We both had boyfrineds that tore us apart. Now look how stupid we were?:) but no matter our differances no matter how mad we became at eachother nothing could tear us apart. Now that we are older and a hell of alot smarter, I think we can both say we are happy and we have finaly found what we are looking for. U are seriously the most amazing person I know and even though you probaby don't think I do, I look up to you so much. You are such a great example to Me and through out our years you have taught me to stop, relax, and see the beauty in everything. You are so beautiful Nick and your sweet personality makes you the total package. There is no doubt in my mind we will be talking about our times until we are 80. Our kids will be just as close or closer then we are. I know we dont see eachother that much anymore but it seems like every time we talk nothing has changed! You are the one person in my life that I could never do with out. Thank you for everything you do and for never giving up on me or our relationship. I am so happy for you and Casey and we really need to start doing more together. As soon as Jace and I are finished with school this spring. We will start making new memories. I love you Nick, thank you so much for dedicating this day to me. You are the best cousin in the world and my very best friend. I hope you know not a day goes by that I don't think about you or a fun time we had. Your the best! I love you tons love b-butt
