Monday, March 23, 2009

This past weekend was a good one! Thursday night I went out to my boyfriend's house which is always fun. But it was his birthday so I left work a little early to go and get him his present. Doug loves Native American music so we decided to get him a couple c.d.'s since he plays the one he has quite a bit. Well me being the not so smart thinker just googled "Native American Music in Utah " and found the Trading Post.... Little did I know I could have just went to Walmart... But anyways.... The Trading Post was sooo cool! But I was mostly drawn to the jewelry. Now for everyone that knows me they know I am a jewelry junkie. And if I had the money and no spending limit I would have bought one of everything!!! Ugh! So tempting because I love hand made jewelry and stones and that was the whole selection.... But I did walk away empty handed so that was good! Oh yeah I also found out they have a cook in the store on Saturday and Sundays and they make Navajo Tacos! I am definitely going back for one! So if anyone else is interested hit me up. Oh and Dough did like them! So that was the best part!!!!

Friday Justin and I went on a hike... It was such a beautiful day! And we had a blast! We saw a ton of deer and he took his gun so we got to practice our shooting. And he was surprised because I am a pretty good. He has seen me shoot before but I think it still shocks him :).... too bad I am not a hunter eh? Any way, it was just great to be outside and getting the fresh air!

On Saturday I came back to Salt Lake and had a girls night with my friends. We went to the batting cages and then out to dinner. It was fun! Its always nice to have the girls together. Even though we were not all together at the same time and we were missing a few it was still fun!

Sunday was really laid back... Just kind of hung out with the family which is always fun! And I made some killer cupcakes. I tried to decorate them all professional like. But I am not very good. I guess I better not quit my day job! Oh well they sure tasted good! :)

This was before I got REALLY creative and starting in with the cake decorator tool! The squeezey thingy....

Well I hope you all have a great day! Even though it is a not so fun day with the storm! Stay warm!

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