Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Doug!

Today is my boyfriends Dad's birthday so I decided to post a blog in honor of him. Doug is one of the greatest people you will ever meet! Ever since the first day I hung out with Justin I fell in love with his family. His mom is a sweetheart, his brother is awesome and always make me laugh, and his dad is just the most welcoming person you will ever meet. He has always made me feel so comfortable at their house. And he is always the first one to make you laugh. He tells the greatest stories! Whether or not they are true... they still keep me entertained! And usually I believe them...... For instance, the first couple months we were dating he told me that Justin's mom Kay was pregnant with Justin when she was on her MISSION in Canada and that is how he knows the Canadian National Anthem so well.... Me being the gullible blond that I am believed him and went home and told my parents. And they both just looked at me like I was an idiot and told me I shouldn't believe that..... Well when I went to Justin's next and told Doug what I had discovered he just laughed at me and shook his head..... How was I supposed to know they didn't let pregnant women go on missions? Oh that's right... I should have listened in church... Must have missed that lesson ;) ..... That story is something that still gets brought up to this day. I have a feeling it won't be going away anytime soon either!

Anyways, really I just want to thank Doug for making me feel so welcome. And for being such a great example. I am so grateful that Justin has such a great father figure to look up to. Justin loves his dad so much and hopes to be as good of a father as Doug is to him and Trevor. His outgoing personality, big smile, and warm heart will make anyone feel at ease. And even though I am taking away part of his baby boy he still wants me around! He was even nice enough to let Justin take me on their all guys hunting trip last year.... Now how many guys will do that?!

This is a picture of Trevor, Ty (the non related son), Justin, and Doug on the hunting trip last October that I got to go on.

I love how he is sooo involved in Justin's and Trevor's lives. He loves to be around them and hang out with his boys! You can really tell that they are his world! It makes me smile when I think of how much he admires them. And I really am so grateful that he sets such a great example not only to them but to me as well!

So thank you Doug for being the wonderful person that you are! I don't know I will ever be able to tell you how grateful I am to have you as someone to look up to! And I know that allot of the person Justin is, is because of the great examples you set for him. Thank you for raising such an amazing son! I love you and I hope you have a great day!

Happy Birthday!

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