Thursday, June 2, 2011

Already 2? My how time Flew!!!!!!!!!!

June 4th will mark the birthday of the most important person in my life.

Jaxon is the only man in my life that has my whole heart! He makes me melt! I love him more than anything and I would go above and beyond all limits to do whatever I can for him. The day that he was born, my life changed completely and I suddenly knew what it felt like to want to be a better person for someone else... Loving my nephew, is the greatest feeling in the world.

I have been blessed enough over the past two years to have the opportunity to spend most Fridays with him.. And tho sometimes they are... Challenging :) to say the least.. and he gives me a run for my money, I cherish those days. It's crazy the kind of light a child can bring into your life. His curiosity and innocence make me smile on a daily basis.

It's been a bitter sweet thing watching him get older. Bitter because he has grown so much in the past two years and I feel like I should still be walking around the back yard with him exploring everything that nature has to offer in Riverton Utah lol.. Or singing lullaby's to him before he falls asleep in my arms...

Sweet because he is so smart and so full of life. He is so amazed at the littlest things, and he truly is... Hell on Wheels! :) I say that in a good way! He just loves EVERYONE and EVERYTHING! The day I took the pictures above he was trying to hug every little kid that was eye level with him.. Not to mention running wild throughout the entire dinosaur museum! And even tho, I wanted to lay down and sleep just after two hours of tending him that day, I would do it over and over again :)

I could literally go on for days about how much I love my nephew. I kick myself for ever thinking how strange life would be when I became an aunt. Because I really feel like my life sort of just began when the day that he was born and my out look on life changed. And now that my sister is pregnant with twins (due in August)... I am in for a whole other adventure! :) But I can't wait!

I want kids one day... But for now.. I think I will just stick to the ones I can spoil and give back lol

Dub-uh Jax! Thank you for making me a better person and showing me what it is like to love someone wholeheartedly. Thank you for being the light of my life and for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for making my day just by saying "Hi Nit-nee" or "Dub-uh" (which means I love you) .... You mean the world to me!

Happy 2nd Birthday! I look forward to the future birthdays and all the twists and turns that life will bring!


1 comment:

  1. Ummm...I'm pretty sure I'm bawling after reading this. I'm glad that I could bring him into the World. You are such an amazing example and role model to him. he loves you so much, and I am so grateful that you two have the bond that you have. Love you sis..
