Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wildflowers, Meteor Showers, Wilflife.. OH YEAH!

A couple of weeks ago Cacey and I went on a camping with his dad, his girlfriend Kathy, and some of their friends. We stayed in a camp ground Called Albion Basin that is located in the Wasatch National Forest. It right above the Alta ski resort and around this time each year the wildflowers there are at the peak of their bloom. So during the day there is a pretty heavy flow of hikers. It's absolutely beautiful up there. Cacey and I had gone to the Wildflower Festival there last year around this time for a "wildflower walk". I loved it and had been dying to go back ever since. So when his parents invited us up I couldn't resist!

Everything about the weekend trip was absolutely perfect from the fresh air to the weather. There was a slight breeze during the day, and no wind in the evening. The air was so thin and fresh that you could immediately breath better the moment you stepped out of the truck. But what else would you expect at 9,500 feet elevation right? :) And the weather... *sigh*... The weather was simply wonderful! It was clear sky's day and night! We were even lucky enough to catch the last day of a meteor shower up there! It was beautiful! The meteors and falling stars we did see were bright white streaks across the pitch black canvas of night! It was nice falling asleep looking at the sky while listening to the faint chirps of the crickets around us.

Each morning we woke up to coyotes, pot guts, and all different kinds of birds. There were pot guts everywhere in our camp! Some people might have been appalled by the "rodents". But to me they seemed like "city" pot guts. They weren't afraid of us and they knew exactly how to open up our tub-a-ware bins full of food! We saw wood peckers, finch's and even a camera shy Blue Jay! I was really excited about the Blue Jay because I hadn't seen one since I was about 8-9 yrs old. His feathers were exquisite shades of the sky on a clear day, and the ocean on a starless night. It didn't matter whether he was in the sun or shade, he always shimmered. It was nice to wake up smiling as I watched the animals around me and listened to baby coyotes imitate the howl of their mother. I wish I could start my day off like that every morning.

After a weekend filled with endless laughs and beautiful scenery it was time to pack up and leave. And tho a part of me wanted to stay, there was another part of me that was already thinking about how wonderful it was going to be next year. I would like to think that it will top this years trip. But it's going to be pretty hard since this trip went above and beyond any expectations I had for it before.

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