Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 02 of the Challenge!

There has been many people that I have been close to through out my life. My cousin Britty was always with me as a child. But with miles between us, we drifted into our own directions. But some of my best memories were spent with her. Clayton, my first crush and my best friend clear back from Kindergarten. Clayton and I still remain friends to this day. And no matter what our history with one another and the roads we have taken together will always mean a lot to me. And something cool about him is that he married a sweet heart with my same birthday :)

But, the person that I have been the closest too for the most consistent amount of time would have to be the one and only Chester! She has been my best friend since I was 8 yrs old. And tho we have fallen apart during our younger years, she still to this day remains one of my dearest friends. She is a fire cracker, and we are opposites.. But she knows me outside and in better than anyone.

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