Monday, June 28, 2010

speak for myself.. Probably not

I haven't written in a while which I am completely aware of. Life has been crazy the past couple of months and my head has been in the clouds. There is so much going on mentally, but I don't know how to get any of it out. What I feel and what my hands type just haven't been connected lately. There have been times I wanted to get on here and write about something and refrained because I didn't want to sound like a "Debbie Downer" ... And other times, I wanted to write but haven't been able to place the way I feel with the correct words. So instead of writing, I read what others have to say. It makes me feel better. And allot of the time, they say something that I can relate to.. I guess in way it's kind of like a "pick-me-up" .. Not always uplifting, But honest... Which is what I believe I need most right now.....

My life is good. I have a great boyfriend, a wonderful family, and amazing friends... But every year I go through this "phase" if that is what we want to call it.... Will there ever come a time where I don't feel this way?

Something is missing in me. Something is incomplete.


  1. I can definitely empathize. I always seem to have that same nagging feeling that something is missing.

  2. It's nice to know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Sometimes it feels that way.

  3. Oh my! Couldn't have said it better myself. I hate feeling that way. You always feel like your competing with yourself to find whatever is missing in your life. Even when you have it all it still doesn't feel like it's enough...Glad I'm not the only woman who feels like that often. Sorry girl. Keep your chin up!
