Thursday, April 8, 2010

Doggy Heaven/Hell

Hello everyone! I just thought I would take a few minutes and blog for a minute! This past week has been crazy! Cacey's dad turned 61 yesterday! So we went over there for a little get together! It was a lot of fun! Great food and wonderful family! His dad looks amazing for 61! And I am pretty sure he is in better shape than most 30 yr old!

LOL Other than that we have been working on the house.. Trying to get it organized for the girls to come back and visiting with families! We are also dog sitting Tiva while Dallas is in California for the week... Needless to say it has been a week full of sleepless nights and frustrating battles of getting them to listen! Tiva has definitely picked up some bad habits while living with Cacey's other brother! I hold his dogs fully responsible LOL. But she and Tank love each other! And they have so much fun together! We call her "Tanks girlfriend" :) . He will even save his food for her sometimes. Oh and she has decided that his Kennel is hers now. She sleeps in it all the time if the door is open. It is the weirdest thing! I am posting a picture to show you! Sorry so dark.. She kind of blends in with his blankets!

Also, Tank is now the proud owner of his own skateboard! :) The girl that used to own him said that he loved it... And we had just kept forgetting about it. But we went to Walmart the other day and finally got him one! He went nuts when he saw it! he LOVES it! he will literally bite your hand if you take it away from him! He doesn't really go straight on it yet.. but he can do some mean circles! LOL It's so cute!

I didn't have very much camera time left.. That is why it is so short! We love him though! And he becomes more fun every single day! :) Life it good people!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! I will! My childhood friend Sara is flying in tomorrow with a friend! It was just planned today as a matter of face! I will pick them up at the airport in the morning! I can't wait to see her! It's been too long!

Adios muchachas!

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