Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shed some light

“To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; credible we must be truthful.”

I saw that quote today and it kind of goes with what has been going on in my life..... Lately I have been so frustrated over lies that have been said about me and others. Usually I wouldn't care, but they were said by someone whom I have considered a friend for most of my life..... I know, it clashes when you say it in your head. But I have grown up around her... And always known her to be that way.i have always known her to tell stories about her life to make it seem more extravagant... And have always just said "Well that is just how she is.. And I know the truth." But recently some things were said about me and others that I have taken to heart. Things that hurt me...Things that aren't true in the first place.. But also things that she had no right to say about me. Things that were far worse than anything I have or had going on in my life at any point....I am not perfect and I make mistakes. But I will be the first to admit it when I am in the wrong. And I try to treat everyone the way that I expect to be treated.... Even to those that talk badly about my life and the choices I make... When they should really be focusing on themselves and bettering their life.

Now I am not one to play the blame game or the "top that" game... I don't go around saying "Well you did this and I never have so that makes me a better person".... But I also don't tell lies about other people...Especially those I consider friends. But I feel that you can not rightfully judge someone unless you have walked in your shoes... So there fore she has no right to judge my life, or of those I care about most.... And I guess in a way, I don't have the right to judge her either. But how do you not become angry with someone like that? How do you let go of what they say about you, with out wanting to understand why they said it??? And more importantly when do you start to trust them? How do you let them back in to your life and trust that your best intentions are part of theirs? ....... Enlighten me...

1 comment:

  1. I think I know who your talking about, or maybe I don't .. but there has been some pretty not good things said about from someone who you are friends with..

    all you can do is just know that just like you know what the truth is, so does everyone else ya know?

    She is the one ruining her credibility, & although it sucks because it as your extent, in the end you will come out on top, and she will be seen for who she truly is.
