Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hellooo Sweet Space!!!!!

OK so this week has been one of many anxious moments for me! I feel allot like this ...........
I kid you not.... I have literally been going crazy over all the stuff I want to accomplish right now! But I can finally get things done and feel great about it! Because usually I try and spend as much time with Justin as I can since we can't see each other whenever we want..... But Justin is going hunting for the weekend with his dad and brother so I figured would be the perfect time to Spring Clean! Yes I said the dreaded but long over due and needed words! Honestly I have never don't Spring Cleaning before but I really need to de-junk my room! And over the past few days I will think to myself "OK Nicki... lets just do this little thing to get it out of the way." But I know myself too well! I will "get in the zone" and then I won't be able to think straight or sleep with an unfinished project like that! So I have decided to fight the urge to get started and continue focusing on my health! ( Working out... it's my other battle I am determined to keep up on!) ...... But come this Thursday night.... Those boxes, clothes, shoes, and anything else taking up space better look out! Because here I come with the rubber gloves, garbage bags, and vacuum! So good bye clutter! Helllloooooooo Space I never knew I had! I can't wait to get started! I have even went out and bought baskets for things and made a list of exactly what I need to do! LOL Who would have thought that I would make this into an adventure! Who knows maybe I will post before and after pictures :)

Have a great day! Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and take it easy!

1 comment:

  1. I love when my hubby goes hunting so I can get things done. :) Ha Ha When he's here I enjoy spending all my time with him so I know how ya feel. Good luck on your spring cleaning! It's beautiful outside. YAY!!!
