Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello! Its been a minute or two since the last post so I thought it was time to fill everyone in a little......Last weekend was great for me! I got to see Justin as usual. And Chloe even got to come and hang out with us while my parents went to Wendover for my dad's birthday. I do have to say I was less than enthused when she crapped on my back seat! Yeah! I can't even believe she did that! My parents said it was because I didn't let her go poop before I took her in the car to meet them at the grocery store..... I'm sorry but she has never pooped in a vehicle before so why would I think she would start then? I think she did it because she was mad at my mom for leaving her. But either way, she pooped on my seat and it was disgusting! Thankfully it was not the smear all over and never comes out of your seat type of poop! And it is a good thing my uncle Ron was not in the car... otherwise I would have had to clean up puke off my dashboard!

Justin and I had a great Valentines Day! I was bummed at first because I thought the weather was going to be bad. But it turned out to be a beautiful day! And he surprised me with some really gorgeous Lillies :) So that made my day start out perfect! We decided to go to Gateway mall and walk around. He wanted a new hat and the weather was so nice so it worked out. He got me the cutest purse that he proudly picked out on his own...I am actually surprised at how good of taste he has. I have never dated a guy that had a great sense of style like he does. I tell him all the time I am so lucky to have a guy like him. I could easily send him to the mall to pick me out an outfit because I know I would love it! So good job babe! Keep up the good work ;)

Sunday Justin and I came in for dinner with my family! I was so excited! Its weird how being gone a lot does that to you. When I was younger I could be gone for weeks. But now I love every minute we are together. And its even better when Justin is able to come to! My family is so much fun and I am so glad that I am closer to them than I have been in the past. I was missing out! . I could smell the cake baking and I asked why my dad made his own birthday cake. My mom told me to take one guess and all I could to was sing "Dad is great... he makes us chocolate cake" :) for those of you who don't know what I am talking about you need to rent " Bill Cosby Himself ". But anywho I was right. And all my dad could do was smile. He is always doing stuff like that! That is just one of the many reasons I have the best dad in the world! He is always finding ways to make us laugh! Even if he didn't make his own cake just so we would sing the song.....he did make one heck of a cake!
Well, until next time... have a great day!

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