Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Power of Prayer

Though life can be crazy and it seems that the stresses never end, its important to remember one thing; Someone is always listening. Today I was reassured just how wonderful the power of prayer can be. It doesn't matter what your faith is, there is always someone high above listening, and if you desire something bad enough which will benefit you, that prayer will be answered. Even if that prayer isn't answered right away, give it time. Sometimes it just isn't the right time. Heavenly Father loves me, I know this and feel this each day I pray. In times my faith in others is broken, I am comforted in knowing that he knows what is right for me, and that is what matters. Our lives are different. Our morals aren't same as any one person. God created us differently, and to have different morals and beliefs.

I know I'm not perfect. I know I mess up. But I also feel that I am a good person with a heart big enough to fit the world in. I love to share my light with others. I live to bring happiness into the lives of others. I choose to be imperfect, because being imperfect as I am, is who I feel comfortable being. It isn't about meeting the criteria of what others expect you to be. Its about doing what you love each day with your best intentions... And sharing your love with those that surround you.

I pray for happiness. I pray for safety. I pray for guidance. I pray for love. Each day, I pray; and each day, I'm filled with joy, because I know that if my intentions are good.... Then there is nothing but light to fill my light with.

I'm blessed to have what I do. My family, my friends, my job, my love and his family... That is what is important in life.

I encourage anyone who doesn't pray, to try it. Its amazing what a difference it makes, even if its foreign to you.

Happy Wednesday. <3