Monday, December 17, 2012

Memories Made......

This past weekend I was blessed enough to spend quality one on one time with TJ. With his work being in Alaska, his home in a different state, and his "days off" being limited, it leaves little time to see him in between. I truly value every second that I get to spend with him.

TJ has quickly grown to be one of my best friends.I feel blessed to have one thing that I have always wanted... a relationship with my best friend. I think it is important to be with someone whom you love and respect on a friendship level. It took us a while to get here, and I honestly can't say that I thought it ever would... But I am so glad that it did.


Over the weekend he left a lot of the decision making to me. I told him that I wanted to go downtown to see the lights at Temple Square. Actually, I specifically said " I want to go see the lights at Temple Square, drink hot cocoa, and hold hands". His response was "What is this the Notebook?" I was quick to say that it wasn't because it if was, I would have my house with blue shutters, and that clearly isn't the case right now.

Temple Square was great; the entire night was perfect. We started with dinner at Olive Garden, fought to find parking at Gateway, made a pit stop to Old Navy to buy two pairs of gloves for me, Almost saw a lady get hit by a car, people watched, gawked at the beautiful lights, strolled through City Creek, and had many laughs throughout the evening. In some way, not from a movie... it was the perfect night. I got to spend it with the one person whom I miss most.

It feels great to be in a healthy relationship. He makes me happy. He makes me laugh until my cheeks hurt. He is equally as goofy as I am, and I like knowing that I have a connection with him that he doesn't share with many others. He always makes me feel beautiful, and confident (not only in my appearance, but also in who I strive to become as a woman). He honestly makes me want to be a better person, and I love the sense of security I get just knowing that what we have is special.

Being with someone you don't see often is a challenge. There are days where I miss him so much that it hurts. But even when he is 2400 miles away, I feel good about my choice to take a chance on us. I feel proud to be his girlfriend. I am proud of him, and the man that he is. I am proud to show him off and to tell people about how happy he makes me.

I cherish the moments I spend with him, because they don't come very often. I value what we have, and I am grateful to have him in my life.

Cheers to the memories made with those that hold value in our lives.