Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello! Wow it's been a while since I have written huh? So I guess now would be a good time to update everyone on what I have been up to!

It's been a busy month.. They say that April showers bring May flowers and I hope that term is correct in the terms of "tons of work, will lead to a beautiful outcome for the rest of the year!" Because that is what I have been up to! Cacey and I have been working on the house every weekend! Mostly doing yard work.... Cacey and my dad have been putting the kitchen in downstairs and I am happy to say that it has finally paid off! Because we just made the last payments on the cabinets so they can be installed this weekend! Yay! The renters will now have their own kitchen! A few things will need to be done after that.. But for the most part, the ball is rolling!

Yard work... (Sigh)... never ends! And tho I love it so much! (Really I do)... I am ready to enjoy the hard work and have it pay off! We have been cutting branches, pulling weeds, fertilizing the lawn, watering the lawn, trimming the raspberries, tilling the gardens, planting pumpkins and onions, planting other flowers that I bought too soon lol... tearing trees down, ripping vines out.. all while keeping it maintained! I have to say, it looks great! Especially compared to what it looked like before! The owners before Cacey planted a bunch of stuff they didn't know how to up keep, or really where to plant.. So we had trees and weeds growing everywhere! And on top of that.. No one lived in the house for a year before Cacey moved in so the yard was horrendous! .... We are getting a "green dumpster" to put all of our hard work in lol. I am talking at least 17 55 gallon bags of leaves, at least a flat bed trailers worth of tree limbs and a few other odds and end things.

I can't wait to have company over for BBQ's when its all done! It already looks so much better! But I can't wait to get the soil in the beds and the flowers planted! :) It makes me excited to think about!

Rylee turned 10 on the 17th so she had 2 parties. A slumber party with her girlfriends, and a outdoor BBQ with grandparents! It was stressful getting ready for it all.. But it was all worth it because she had a great time!

Other than that.. not much has changed! of my wishes have somewhat come true! ... I will tell you what that is, but first I will give you a little back ground!

I love peacocks, and ducks, and geese, and pretty much any animal! But for some reason I love peacocks so so much! So I told Cacey I wanted some... He told me NEVER!!! Because they are too loud...Which they are. I know this because a guy a couple blocks away has them and we can hear them at night when they talk to each other. :) But it's been funny because I imitate them all the time.. so now the girls do too! LOL.... Anyways... So this one peacock wanders around the neighborhood in the summer time. (I would assume not far from his house)... He used to have a mate, but she got ran over :( Sad I know... And since they only have one mate for life... He is now a lone ranger... Anyways.. I keep getting side tracked... So Cacey told me I will never have a peacock.. So we were driving down the street in our neighborhood and I saw a pair of ducks just waddlin along.... Immediately I looked at Cacey and say "OOOHHHHHHH BABE!!!!! I want ducks!!!! CAN WE GET SOME DUCKS!!! I LOVVVE THEMMMM!!!!!" his reply "Tank would LOVVVE them too!!! Tank would love them as a food baby in his Belly!!!" .... I said "He would love to play with them!" Cacey says "He would love to play with them in his belly!" ... I took this conversation as a no and left it alone.......

BUT!!!!!!!!! .......... On Monday morning I got up, walked out the door to go to work and GUESS WHAT?!!!! THE DUCKS WERE IN MY YARD!!!! YAY!!!!!! I was sooo happy! I took a picture and text Cacey immediately and told him the good news. He didn't get nearly as excited as I did.. Or still do when I talk about it lol.... AND GUESS WHAT ELSE?!!! THEY WERE BACK AGAIN TODAY! WAHOO! I'll take every other day! :) I was so happy, I fed them a hamburger bun! ... Maybe it will keep them coming back for more ;) Cross your fingers... and cross your fingers that one day I will have a set of peacocks! xxxxxxx

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Enjoy the day everyone and remember that life is most beautiful when seen through eyes of love! Spread the love and continue to smile! Times may be hard, and money may be tight, but no matter how poor we may be... We can always be rich in love! <3

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Doggy Heaven/Hell

Hello everyone! I just thought I would take a few minutes and blog for a minute! This past week has been crazy! Cacey's dad turned 61 yesterday! So we went over there for a little get together! It was a lot of fun! Great food and wonderful family! His dad looks amazing for 61! And I am pretty sure he is in better shape than most 30 yr old!

LOL Other than that we have been working on the house.. Trying to get it organized for the girls to come back and visiting with families! We are also dog sitting Tiva while Dallas is in California for the week... Needless to say it has been a week full of sleepless nights and frustrating battles of getting them to listen! Tiva has definitely picked up some bad habits while living with Cacey's other brother! I hold his dogs fully responsible LOL. But she and Tank love each other! And they have so much fun together! We call her "Tanks girlfriend" :) . He will even save his food for her sometimes. Oh and she has decided that his Kennel is hers now. She sleeps in it all the time if the door is open. It is the weirdest thing! I am posting a picture to show you! Sorry so dark.. She kind of blends in with his blankets!

Also, Tank is now the proud owner of his own skateboard! :) The girl that used to own him said that he loved it... And we had just kept forgetting about it. But we went to Walmart the other day and finally got him one! He went nuts when he saw it! he LOVES it! he will literally bite your hand if you take it away from him! He doesn't really go straight on it yet.. but he can do some mean circles! LOL It's so cute!

I didn't have very much camera time left.. That is why it is so short! We love him though! And he becomes more fun every single day! :) Life it good people!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! I will! My childhood friend Sara is flying in tomorrow with a friend! It was just planned today as a matter of face! I will pick them up at the airport in the morning! I can't wait to see her! It's been too long!

Adios muchachas!